1989-1990 Academic Catalog

102 Health andPhysical Education Donald Callan, Athletic Director and Chairman of lite Department ofHealth andPhysical Education, established the Missio11a1)' /11ter11ship Service in 1970 by taking a men's basket– ball team to the Philippinesfor "baskelball evangelism." As a result ofthe success ofthat endetn-01; the A1IS program has e.lpanded to i111·ofre dozens ofother teams with 1·ario11s talents to minister in 11ra11y other countries each summer. Purpose The Depmtment ofHealth and Physical Education seeks to: 1. Provide a progran1 that \Viii prornote the physical, intellectual, and spiri– tual develop1nent of each individual through the n1ediun1 of physical activ– ity. 2. Develop an awareness of the Christian's ste\vardship responsibility with regard to the care and use of the body. 3. Provide experiences mid instrnction which will help develop Christ-like attitudes and actions in and through spo11, ga1nes, self-testing activities, and lifeti1ne recreational pursuits. 4. Prepare students for careers in teaching health or physical education, coaching, athletic training, recreation, sport ad1ninistration, or other related fields. Personal Requirements Students planning to pursue careers in physical education and its related areas are best prepared by taking a college prepm·atory curriculum in high school \Vhich includes four years of physical education and related courses. In addition, they should seek involve1nent in organized athletic progra1ns and establish habits of 1naintaining good personal fitness. Students plan– ning to obtain certification in athletic training or preparation in sports 1nedi– cine should take as n1uch course\vork in science and 1nathe1natics as pos– sible in high school. Each student nlajoring in physical education is expected to rnaintain a high level of personal physical fitness. An annual one and one-half 111ile nu1 is used to evaluate the status of the student's fitness. "The quality education I received is what I remember most about Cedarville. I am constantly reminded ofthe importance ofexcellence In my work with manymajor companies. Ibelleve that the continued emphasis on excellence at Cedarville is what makes It such apopular college today." - Harold Burkhalter, a 1975physical education graduate, works out ofAlbuquerque, NewMexico, as ahealth and exercise consultant.