1989-1990 Academic Catalog

PEH-204 Death and Dying: Education for Living (2) PEH-205 Mood-altering Substances (2) PEH-206 Gcrnntological Health Issues (2) PEH-207 Cu1mlt Issues in Health (2) PEH-208 Environmental Health (2) PEH-250 Community Health ................................................................. 3 PEH-313 School Health Program ........................................................... 4 B!0-216,217 Human Anatomy and Physiology .................................... I0 **PYCH-160 General Psychology ......................................................... 5 PYCH-260 Human Growth and Development ....................................... 5 PYCH-366 Fundamentals of Counseling ................................................ 5 SOC-242 Human Sexuality ................................................................... 3 SOC-273 Social Movements ................................................................. 4 Students 111ust also con1plcte the follo\ving Professional Education requirc- 1nents: EDUC-I{)() Introduction to Education .................................................... 2 EDUC- I0 I Field Experience ................................................................. 2 EDUC- !02 Education of the Exceptional Child ...................................... 2 EDUC-I 03 Teaching Thinking Skills ..................................................... 2 EDUC-201 Prclin1ina1y Student Involve1ncnt ........................................ 0 EDUC-300 Lcan1er and the Lean1ing Process ........................................ 4 *PEH-461 Teaching Health ................................................................... 5 *PEM-396 Field Experience .................................................................. 6 EDUC-321 Philosophy of Education ..................................................... 3 *EDUC-350 Reading in the Content Area .............................................. 3 EDUC-200 Audio Visuals...................................................................... I *EDUC-450 Supervised Teaching Seminar. ......................................... 16 Total .................................................................................................... 46 *Prerequisite is ad1nissions to the Teacher Education Progran1 (sec the Education Depai11ncnt section of the catalog for the con1plete require- 1nents). **Prerequisite for PYCH-260 and 366. H ealtlz and Physical Education Department Courses Activity Courses 109 PE-100 through PE-212 Acli\'ity Courses 1 hour each Each course is designed to develop knowledge and :-.!.:ills in the res1x-clivc activity area. Course requirements include examination~ covering the activily subject, skills tests, cla<>s participation, and aerobics requirements. Grading options include letter grades or credit/no credit. ll1csc courses may be u~ed by nun-majors to satisfy the physical education compo– nent of the General Education requirements and by nrnjors to .~atisi)' specific curricular rcquiremenls. A variety of activity courses is offered each quarter. PEE-124 Self Defense PEF-111and129 Personal Exercise Progrmn PEF-199 Physkal Aclh·ity and the Christian Life PEl-141 Archery PEl-143 Badminton PEl-146 Bowling (Fee: $15) PEl-154 Gulf (Fee: $15) PEl-155 Inlermediale Golf PEI-160 Racquetball PEI-177 'ICnnis PEl-178 Adnmced Tennis PEl-142 llackpacklng (Fee: $25) PEL-151 Cycling PEL-161 Rock Climbing (Fee: $25) PER-210 Rhylhmks PES-170 Beginning Swintming (Fee: $15) PES-171 Adntnced Beginning S\\inuning (Fee: $15) PES-172 Intermediate Swinnning (Fee: $15) PES-173 Ad\'anced S\linuning (Fee: $15) PES-174 Lifesa\'ing (Fee: $15} PES-175 \Yater Sarety Instructor (Fee: $15) PES-201 and PE..'i-203 Apparatus PES-212 Tumbling PET-102 Ba.skelball PET-105 Soccer PET-126 Softball-Coed PET-128 \'ollcyball-\\'omen PET-182 \'olleyball-Coed PET-213 Volleyball PEF-199 Physical AcliYifJ' and lhe Christian Life 2 hours A study of the role of physical al"livity in the Christian life from a Scriptural, physiologi– cal, and psycho-sociological perspective. Empha~is is placed upon developing and continu– ing active, heallhy, Christian life practices.