1989-1990 Academic Catalog
114 Languages and Literature English Course require1nents for the English 1najor involve seventy qua11er hours including: ENG-140 English Composition II .......................................................... 5 ENG-223 Advanced Composition .......................................................... 3 (or ENG-302 Creative Writing .............................................................. 3) LIT-231 World Literature ....................................................................... 5 ENG-305 The English Language ........................................................... 5 LIT-335 Shakespeare ............................................................................. 5 LIT-337 Contempormy American Literature .......................................... 5 (or LIT-338 Contemporary British Literature ........................................ 5) LIT-421 Literary Criticism ..................................................................... 3 ENG-422 English Seminar .................................................................... 3 Atnerican Literature (one course) .................... ,,,,, ............................... ,,,. 5 English Literature (one course) ............................................................... 5 Electives in English .............................................................................. 26 English Major Curriculum Summary Proficiency requiren1ents ..................................................................... 0-8 English major requirements .................................................................. 70 Other General Education require1nents ............ ,,,, ............................. 70-90 Electives .................................................................... ,,,.................. 30-52 Total (minimum, not including proficiency) .................................... 192 "My education courses, speclflcally Methods of Teaching Composition and Literature, have proved to be invaluable. Teaching these two areas can be a real challenge. But my coursework at Cedarvllle taught me what I needed to know. /learned not only what to teach but also step-by-step how to teach." -Jackie Wyse, a 1986 English education graduate, teaches English at Ferguson Junior High in Beavercreek, Ohio. Th1rtl"yeµr: - J:oJtrlh Year~·- -- _, ljNG-242 Early ElJg.Lit, .,.......,,:,....... 5 UT,3~8 .20th Cen. B.r. lit. ..,..;....,....; . 5 _LIT:23S _J\;n1;-Jl~1~tifis!l1 ..-...,,_,'.'"'.'_ 5_ · UT~~32 JJ,lh ~- J!il'.-Lit,-_:,.·._'._-·'.·_··";-:~· 5 Ll')'-335 .Sha\:espewe ,,......,....,,......... 5 Lfl'-422 Seminar..,.......,.......,.,......... 3 EN(l-3Q5;jlist, f;ng. 1,.'lllg. :...,.......,.. 5 UT-23.6 Am. Nat.~ Real. ,...;.,....,.,.. 5 llNG,22,3, Ady, Comp, ..,•.,.,....,.,....... 3 . LI1'42l;.Lit. Ciit. :,..,.........,........:..,,.. 3 HutnaQ.iti~Clectiv'e_- ...........;,....;.,_.. 5 J!lectrves_·............... _.~ ... ! ... "~'" .. .;.~,,·· 2l BllG$375. ()ooapdHist. ........::..,.,.. 4 Total ,;,,..,..;\,,.;.,;.......;..,,........,......::.48 BllG!J-376 .Q(>\I and Ch11f<h .............. ·4 5 .. Soc'. $ci~nceel_ective; ........... _::?"''"" Electiv~s ...;.... ~":·•; ..-,'..;....,..,........-.. 7 Tota.1 .........;..,......,....,.;;.;,,;,....,..........48 English Education TI1e English education pmgrmn p1epares students to teach English in both public and Christim1 schools in grades 7-12. Sn1dents who complete this curriculum will be certified by the State of Ohio. The Ohio teaching certificate, through reciprocal agree1nents, is auto1natically recognized in t\venty-six states. TI1ose planning to teach in states other than Ohio should consult \Vith the Departn1ent of Education to be a\vare of special require- 1nents in states \Vhere reciprocity has not been established. Graduates qual– ify but must apply for certification by the Association of Christian Schools Inten1ational, a certification recognized by Christian schools around the world.
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