1989-1990 Academic Catalog

World, English, and American Literature LIT-230 Introduction lo Lilerature-lV S hours Emphasis on developing ability to read critically and analytically representative examples of literary genres 1hrough use of appropriate criteria. Prerequisite: ENG~l40 English Com– position II. LIT-231, 232 \Vorld Literalurc-A, H'. Su 5 hours A survey of great works of the westen1 world which rellect the development of European thought in its literary expressions. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. Course may Ix repealed when content changes. LIT-2331\.l~·thology-H' 5 hours A study of m)1ho!ogics, lhc theories of myth and mythmaking, and lhc dcvelopn1ent of myth to moden1 limes. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition IL LIT-235 A1ncrkan Ron1anticisnt-I\' 5 hours A study of American writers from 1830-1865, emphasis on Poe, Hawthon1e, tvlelvil!e, Emerson, Thoreau, and \\lhitman. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-236 An1crican Realis1n and Naturalisrn-Sp 5 hours Ai11erican literature from 1865-1900, with empha~is on the local color nlovement; 1\vain, James, Howells, Crane, Dreiser, and Norris. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-241 Earlr English Literature-A 5 hours A study of Old English and ivliddlc English writings through Chaucer. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-242 Engli11h Renaissance Litcralure-Sp 5 hours A survey of English literature and its background with emphasis on I\'falory, the English Bible, r-.1on:, Sidney, Spenser, and Elizabethan and Jacobean dranrn. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composilion II. (even years) LIT-320 ~lclltods of Teaching Cmnposition and Lilcralure-A 3 hours Designed to explore the various n1e1hods and materials essential to the teaching of com– position :md literature on the secondary level. LIT-323 Directed Readings 1-4 hours Selected readings designed to s!rengthen the major by providing prin1ary and secondary material in preparation for an independent study of a major writer, literary genre, or literary period. LIT-331 The English Novel- H' 4 hour A reading and critical analysis of representative novels of the period fron1 Richardson to Hardy. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. (odd years) LIT-332 Se\'cnlecnlh Century English Lilcralure- H' 5 hours A study of the metaphysical writers, John Donne, Crnshaw, and J\,lilton, with an emphasis on the J\1iltonic trilogy. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT·333 Eighleenth Century Engli'<h Literature-H' 5 hours A study of the neo-dassical poetry and prose with emphasis on Dryden, Defoe, Swift, Pope, Fielding, and Goldsmith. Prerequisite: ENG~!40 English Composition II. (odd years) LIT-334 Ninclecnllt Century English Lileralurc-Sp 5 hours A study of the major Rorlmnlic :md Victorian \\Titers, giving emphasis to \Vordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Browning, and Tennyson. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. Languages and Literature 119 LIT-335 Shakespeare- H' 5 hours Representalive comedies, hlstory plays, tragedies, and sonnets. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition Il. LIT-337 Contemporary An1erican Lileraturc- Sp 5 hours A study of post \Vorld \Var I writers whose works reflect the dominant thought patten1s and values of the 20th century. (even years) LIT-338 Conle1nporary Hrilish Litcralure-A 5 hours A study of rcpreseniative and significant 20th century British writers, especially those reflective of modem ideologies. LIT·342 A111crkan Novel -1\' 4 hours A study of the hlstorical development of the An1erican novel, and an analysis of the writings of major A1nerican novelists fron1 Cooper to Faulkner. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. (even years) LIT-413 Drmnatic Literalurc-Sp 4 hours Emphasis upon the relationships mnong styles, theory, criticisn1, and dramatic construc– tion. Can be :ipplied lo meet English or speech requirements, but not to 1nect both fields, Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-421 Lilcrary Criticlsnt-Sp 3 hours A study of major critical theories fron1 ancient times to the present. Prerequisite: 200 or 300 level literature course. Required for all secondary and English majors. LIT-422 English Sc1ninar- H' 3 hours Designed to help the student synthesize hls major areas of study. Required of all senior English mitiors. LIT-423 Independent Study in English 1-4 hours Independent study in a selected field for students with special interests and den1onstmtcd ability. LIT-442 Europ('an Novel-H' 4 hours A study of the 19th and 20th centu1)' influence on the novel from Balzac to Camus. (odd years) Professional Writing P\VRT-211 Style and i\lcchanics for \Vriters 3 hours A prescriptive approach to a clear, concise prose which is grainniatically correct. Pre– requisite: pemlission of instructor. P\VRT-312 Professional \Vriling 5 hours An introduction to basic technical conmnmication in which students learn written com– munication wilh lhe use of effective visuals. Prerequisite: P\VRT-315 Public Relations \Vriting. P\VRT-314 Con1pulcr Applkalions ror \Vriters 2 hours A study in which students learn lo use an integrated software prognm1 for word process– ing, producing spreadsheets, 1nanaging databases, and producing gn1phics. Prerequisite: P\VRT-211 Style and l\1echanics for \Vriters. P\VRT-315 Public Relations \\'riling 3 hours A study in which students lean1 to prepare newsletters, press relea~es, and sales literature. Prerequisite: P\VRT-211 Style and r-.1echanics for \Vriters.