1989-1990 Academic Catalog

124 Music Adjunct Faculty: Connie AndcP.>on, piano 111eodore Al\alis, ba-.soon/double reed melhods Barbara Beeler, violin/violaJhigh string melhtxls Sue Beikert, piano cl<tss ivlariannc Chenoweih, llutc Programs of Study Richard Chenoweth, french horn i\·lary Cory, voice Loreen Dimmick, ckuinet Shirley i\tullin~. low string methods Elaine Pagnard, single reed melhod~ Lawrence Pitzer, guitar Phyllis \Vanier, organ 111e Depa11n1ent of Music offers the follo\ving prognuns of study: Church n1usic 1najor (choral, instru111ental, and keyboard) Music lll<\jor Music education, BJvl.E. (choral and instnnncntal) Secondat)' n1usic education ni;_tjor (choral and instn1n1ental) Secondary 1nusic education teaching field ~1inors in: Church Music Music "Cedarville is special because it weds love for learning and love for the Lord together. Academically, I received excellent preparation formy graduate work in music. Andsplritually Igrew through the Christian perspective, manygood friends, and opportunities for service. Through my Cedarville education I felt prepared to teach or to attendgraduate school anywhere." - Diane DeNicola, aprofessor at Troy University in Troy, Alabama, anda 1979 music education graduate, earnedher Ph.D. from Florida State University. Church Music 111c church 1nusic 111ajor prepares students for positions as full-tiinc 1nusicians in local churches. 111rcc tracks, choral, inst111111ental and key– board, arc available, depending upon the student's interests and abilities. Course requirc1ncnts f(lr the church n1usic n1ajor--choral track involve one hundred and three qua11er hours including: GMUS- 100 Olientation ......................................................................... 1 GMUS- 103 Recital and Program Attendance ......................................... 0 THMU-111,112,113 Themyll,W,IV ..................................................... 9 THMU-114,115, 116 Aural Skills Il,lll,IV .............................................. 6 CLMU-181 PianoClassl ...................................................................... 1 CHMU-200 ll1e Christian at Worship .................................................... 3 CHMU-201 Church Music PSI .............................................................. 0 CHMU-204 Instrnmental Ensemble in the Church ................................. 2 CHMU-205 Audio Resources for the Church ......................................... 2 THMU-212 ll1cory V ............................................................................ 4 THMU-214 Functional Piano ................................................................ 3 CHMU-209 Hymn Playing I .................................................................. 1 CHMU-250 Hymnology ....................................................................... 3 CHMU-253 Songleading ....................................................................... 2 CDMU-260 Conducting I ...................................................................... 3 EDMU-273 Wind and Percussion Methods ............................................ 3 HLMU-332,333 Music History Il,lll ...................................................... 8 CHMU-350 History and Administration of Church Music ...................... 5 CHMU-353 Music Methods and Materials for Children and Youth ......... 3 CDMU-363 Conducting III ................................................................... 3 CDMU-365 Chorale Repe11oire and Practicum ...................................... 3 PFMU-370 Handbell Choir ................................................................... I EDMU-373 Vocal Methods ................................................................... 5 PLf\10- P1ivate Perfonnancc .......................................................... IO PFMU- Ense111blc Pcrfonnance ........................................................ 6 PLMU-490 Senior Recital ..................................................................... 1 CHMU-499 Church Music Intemship .................................................. 15