1989-1990 Academic Catalog
EDi\IU-194 Low String !\Iethods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on the 1nethods and techniques used in playing the cello and string bass. (Fee: $15) (even years) Michael DiCuirci, instructor i11 music ed11catio11, directs the Symphonic Band and dynamic Yellow Jacket Pep Band. Music 135 EDj\1U-195 Percussion !\lei hods-A 2 hours Concentration in snare drun1 techniques and an introduction to ty1npani and tuned percus- sion methods. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDl\.IU-273 \Vind and Percussion l\fethods-Sp 3 hours An overview of the history, pedagogy, and pcrfommnce techniques of all band instn1- n1ents. 'This course is required for the vocal major pursuing secondary n1usic education or lhe BMEdegree and is open lo others by pemlission ofthe instructor. (even years) EDi\1U-370 l\1usic for Elen1enlary Teachers-A, 1Y, Sp 4 hours Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic 1nusic theory, develop– ment of skills 011 keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepls. Prerequisite: Elementary Education Progrmn or pennission of the instructor. (Fee: $15) EDl\.IU-371 l\.lusic ror Ele1nentary Teachers-A 4 hours For music majors only; Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic nlllsic theory, development of skills on keyboard and cla<;sroom instru1nents and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching music concepls. Field and clinical experiences are a requirement of this course. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Progrmn or pem1ission of the instructor. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDl\IU-372 l\.lusic for Secondary Teachers- U' 4 hours TI1e history of and basis for music in the secondary curriculum; administration of the music progran1; methcxls of teaching music in large and small groups; sources of materials for instruction. Field m1d clinical experience arc a requirement of this course. Prerequisite: EDMU-371 r>. 1 fusic for Elementary Teachers. (Fee: $15) EDl\.IU-373 Vocal l\.1ethods-1Y S hours Philosophy, objectives, and techniques of offering vocal instruction at all levels with emphasis on vocal pnx:luction, pedagogical approaches, repertoire, and progran1 building. Prerequisite: CLivfU-186 Voice Class, CLI\1U-286Advanced Voice Class. (odd years) EDl\lU-374 l\.1uslc In the !\fiddle School-Sp 3 ltours A study of nmterials, n1ethcxls of procedure, supervision, and psychological aspects of teaching music in the middle school. Field and clinical experience are a rcquire1nent of this course. (Fee: $15) (cxld years) EDJ\.1U-377 Band Adntlnislralion-A 2 hours A course designed to present the philosophy, learning processes, and organizational prob– lems associated with beginning, intenncdiatc and advanced bands. To be taken concurrently with EDMU-378, 379. (even years) EDMU-378 Marching Band Internship-A 0 hours An internship designed to provide the instnm1ental nrnsic education nmjor with an inten– sive field experience in marching bm1d organization, repertoire, routines, and fommtion– charting experience. To be taken concurrently wilh EDivfU-377, 379. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDl\fU-379 Instrun1ent Repair-A 1 hour A laboratory session in !he basic repair of band instruments. The course would invol\'e instrument repair specialists and hands-on experience. To be taken concurrently wilh EDMU- 377, 378. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDl\1U-410 Independent Study in l\fusic Education-A, 1V, Sp, Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of n1usic education for individual music education majors who demonstrate special interests m1d ability.
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