1989-1990 Academic Catalog

140 Nursing 1ncntal health services, rehabilitation centers, clinics, ho1nes for the aged, and physicians' offices. Students are responsible for transpo1iation to and fron1 clinical settings. Car pools arc encouraged to help defray transpo11a– tion costs. Health Infor1nation A co1nplete physical cxa1nination, positive 111bclla titer, a negative tu– berculin skin test, and a positive history of chicken pox or results of a varicella titer arc required prior to the first clinical place1nent. Evidence of usual childhood in1111unization protocols, a tetnnus boo.stc1; and CBC are included in the co1nplete physical exa1nination. \Vhen students ascc11ain that they have an active infection, they are not pcnnitted to repo11 to the clinical area. They are to call their instructor and then go to the Patterson Clinic for assessn1ent. Unifor1ns Each student n1ust secure unifonns and nan1c pins prior to the first clinical cxpe1ience. Equip1nent Books and equip1ncnt needed in clinical settings \Viii be purchased by the student. Admission to Nursing Clinical Courses Students apply to the Depa111nent of Nursing clinical courses during the \\'inter quarter of the sopho1nore year of college. Students \Vho tneet the follo\ving criteria arc adn1itted: I. Cun1ulative grade point average (1nininn11n GPA= 2.5). 2. \Vritten staten1ent of career goals. 3. Recon11nendation of acade1nic advisor. 4. Repo11 of physical exan1ination including laboratot)' analyses. 5. Payn1ent of an application fee ($25 nonrefundable). 6. Evidence of liability insurance. Requit'ements for Retention I Ean1 a grade of C- or above in all nursing courses 2. Attain clinical objectives. 3. Receive the positive recon11nendation of faculty. Requirements for Graduation I. Ea111 a grade of C- or above in all nursing courses. 2. Register for ad1nission to the exa1nination tOr state licensure as a regis– tered nurse. 3. Receive the positive recon1111endation by the faculty of the Depa11n1cnt of Nursing. 4. Meet College requiren1ents for graduation. La/Joratmyfizcilities 011 campus enable students to pe1fect their nursing skills before they begin c/i11ical \\'Ork i11 areu hospitals.