1989-1990 Academic Catalog

c;SCl-4-10 Srnlinur I hour Each sllldent presents a paper from library or laboratol)' research. Approval of the topic by the student's advisor and seminar in,tructor must be obtained and !he date of prc.,cn!alion set before enrolling in the course. '!lie student must also attend a minimum of 10 seminars during the senior year. Guest lecturers nnd faculty members may present papers at the invitation of the in,lmrtor. Required of all sdcncc and mathematics majors. Prerequisites: ~c~ior classification and attendance of a minimum of 10 seminars during the sophomore and JUmor years. Biological Science BJQ.J 14 Introduclion lo Biology-A 5 hours Structure and function of plant and animal cells with emphasis on ccn1r.1I conccpls. TI1is is the firs! biology course for majors; it may be taken by others with good preparation in high school biology and chemist!)'. Four lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $30) BI0-115 General ZoologJ- U 1 5 hours A survey of !he animal kingdom and of zoological prindpks, with an introduction to anatoiny, physiology, and cla<>si11cation. Tlirec lectures and two 2-hour laboratories ~r week. Prerequisite: BIO~l 14 Introduclion to Biology. (Fee: $30) BI0-13-t G('ncral Botany-A 5 hours A survey of the \'ascular pl<mts, bryophytes, algae, and fungi, with an introduction to their anatomy, physiology, laxonomy, nnd economic impor1mH:e. Four kclures and one 3-hour lalxiratory per week. Prerequisite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology. (Fee: $30) Bl0-200 General Ecology-Sp 5 hours A study of the interrelationships between living org<misn1s •md enviromnenl with empha– sis upon environmental physiology, ecosystem and community ecology, and environmcnlal stewardship. Laboratories feature field studies of representative aquatic and terrestrial eco– systems. T11ree (or four) lectures and one 3-hour (or 4-hour) Jab, to!aling 7 conlact hours ~r week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology and BI0-134 General Bol:my. {Fee: $30) Bl0-212 lnverlebralc Zoology 5 hours A survey of representative in\'er1ebrates to include taxonomic, morphological, and evolu– tionary relationships. Tluee lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 Genernl Zoology. (Fee: $30) (even years) lll0-213 Vertebrate Zoology 5 hours A study of the various vertebrate groups, with emphasis upon vertebrate taxonmny and anatmny. T11ree lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BIO~l 15 Gen- eral Zoology. (Fee: $30) (even years) 810-218 Palhophysiology-Sp 5 hours An analysis of the adaptation~ and alternlions in human bodily function. Prerequisite: BI0-217 Humm1Anatomy and Physiology. BI0-236 Ta.xono1ny ofSeed Planls-Sp 5 hours A study of flowering plant cla<>sification and the histOI)' of cla<><>ification, wilh cmpha"h on field identification, collection, and cla<>sif1cation of local flora. Two lectures and six hours of supervised and independent laboratory/field study per week. Prerequisite: BIO~l34 Gen– eral Bolany. {Fee: $30) (even years) Science and Mathematics 161 BI0-238 lnlroduclor,\' i\licrobiology- \\' S hours A ~tudy of p!unt mkronrgarfr.,m..; and vin1~es and their relation~hip to man"' enmomy and hygiene. Bask labora!OI)' tcdmiques arl' \lfC.\\ed. Tl1re<..' lectur<..'s and thr<..'e 2-hour tabora!o– ries per week. Pr<..'n:quisite.': BI0-114 Introduction to Biology and CHEl'-1-151 General Chembtry. (Fee: SJO) BI0-306 Genelks-A 5 hours A study of the principles of heredity and !heir ;ipp!ication to plant, animal. and human life. Four lecture.., and one 3-hour labor.HO!)' per week. Prerequisite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology and GSCl-184 College Algcbr.1. (Fee: SJO) BIO-J07 i\-lolecular Biology or the Cell 5 hours A <.,tudy of the cell with <.,pecial emphasis on mole(:ular organization and function. Four lectures and one 3-hour h1boratol)' (X'r week. Prerequisites: BI0-114 lnlro<luction to Biol- ogy, CHE1'.·1-J57 Org:mic Chemistry. (fee: $30) (c\'en years) 810-311 \'erlebrale E111bQ·ology S hours A study of the initiation and development of tissues and organs with emphasis on emhl)'– onk development of vertebrates, including lhe human. Tliree !el'!Ures and two J·lmur laho· ratories per week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology. (Fee: $30) (odd years) BI0-316, 317 Hu1nan Struclure and Funclion 5 hours each quarler T11e study of ~lrul'ture and function of the human body with ~pet·ia[ emphasis on b<xly sysiems. Four lectures :md one 3-hour Jabor.tlol)' per week. Prerequisites: BI0-115 General Zoology, major in biology or chemist!)'. (Fee: SJO) {odd years) BIC)._'.\.\6 Plant Ph)·siolngy 5 hours A study of the unique physiological proce.~~es of plant life. 'fl1ese include plunt and .\Oit– water relation..,hip~. mineral nutrilion. photo~ynlhesi~. :md mechani:-.ms that enable plants to coordinate 1heir growth and devclopmcnl in re:-.pon'e to environmen1;1l ~timuli. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratOI)' per week. Prerequisites: BIO-IJ4 General Botany and CHEl'-1- 353 Organic Chemist!)'. {i-'"ee: $30) {odd years) BI0.3-tO lhrough BIO-J-t9 5 hours each Includes a selel'tion of 5-hour cour:-.es taught at AuSable ln~tilutC' by faculty of various evangelical Chri~tian colleges: llI0-340 Topics on En\'iron1nenlal Biology BI0-341 Land Resources BIO-J-t2 Field Bolanv BI0-3-tJ Animal Ecoiogy BI0-3-t4 Natural Resources Praclicu1n I BI0-345 \\ 1 ater Resources BI0-3-t6 En\'iron1nenlal Chemistn· BI0-347 Insect Taxonon1)· and EcO!ogy HI0-348 Aqualic Biology BI0-3-t9 Natural Resourses Praclicum II Each course emphasizes Chrisli<rn stewardship of natural resources as its integrative theme. Students should register the desired num~r of hours under BI0-340. Selected course titles will appear on the tnm~cripl when the work is completed. Choice can be made from four course sequences whkh, if completed in addition to requiremenls for the biology major, will can1 cer1il1L'Hlion in one of lhe following areas designed to prepare students for employ1nent or grnduate study: {I) Interpretive Naturalist, (2) \\later Resource Analyst, (3) Land Re– source Analyst, <md (4) Environmental Analyst. Prerequisite: BI0-200 Environmental Biology.