1989-1990 Academic Catalog

Departmental Courses GSS-100 Foundations of Social Science-A, JV, Sp, Su 5 hours Titls course is designed to provide the student \vith a knowledge of some of the basic concepts in sociology, economics, and political science fron1 a Christian-theistic perspective. Required of all students for general education. GSS-380 ft1elhods ofTeaching Social Science-iv 3 hours In this course an emphasis is placed upon the identification, exainination, and implemen– tation of the 1nethods and materials which are unique to the teaching of social sciences within both the secular and the Ouistian secondary school seuirlg. GSS-381, 382, 383 Clinical Teaching in the Social Sciences-A, lV, Sp 1 hour each A practical, on-campus, l credit hour experience in which a student is assigned to assist a college instructor in the preparation of tests and quizzes, in teaching, grading, research, and other teacher responsibilities. A student will be expected to participate for 22 clock hours for each quarter hour of credit. Prerequisite: Adntlssion to the Teacher Education Progrrun. A student may arrange to do any one of the following with the director of this experience in his or her discipline: I. One 22-hour experience for three different quarters 2. A44-hour experience for one quarter and a 22-hour experience for another quarter 3. A66-hour experience for one quarter POLS-470 Prelaw Seminar- \V 5 hours Individual projects acquaint the student with legal procedures and research in such areas as briefs and contracts. IIlST-490 through POLS-493 lndcpendent Study in Social Science 1-2 hours Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor IIlST·490 History SOC-491 Sociology GE0-492 Geography POLS-493 Polltlcal Science SOC-499 Social Science/History Internship 5-15 hours Majors who participate in government seivice, historical research, public administration, social work, or other approved activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 15 hours credit. 111e approval of the department is necessary for any proposed internship. Anthropology ANTH-180 Cullural Anthropology- \V 5 hours An analysis of the concept and its in1portance for the study of man; an examination of various cultures of the world as they relate to technological, economic, social, political, and religious aspects of these cultures. Geography GR0-250 Introduction to Geography -A, Su 2 hours An introductory study of the discipline of geography and the nmjor elements of the natural environn1ent, with particular emphasis on their effect u1xm nmn and his activities. Social Sciences and History 175 Popular instructor ofthefreshman course "Fo1mdatio11s ofSocial Science," Allen Mo11roe travels e.\1e11sfrely, leading stude111 to11rs to Europe and the Middle East during the s1111u11ers. GE0-251 \Vorid Regional Geography- \Vestern Hemisphere - lV, Su 4 hours A spatial survey of various regions in the western world with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. Prerequi~ site: GE0-250 Introduction to Geography or pemtlssion of instructor. GE0-252 World Regional Geography-Eastern Hemisphere - Sp 4 hours A survey of various regions in the eastern world with an emphasis on the cultural, eco– nomic, and political developntents in relation to the geographical environment. Prerequisite: GE0-250 Introduction to Geography or pemtlssion of instructor. History IIlST-104 The British Empire and the Developing Third \Vorld -A 4 hours A study ofGreat Britain in her role as the disseminator of Christian values and libertarian ideals and institutions to Africa, India, and Australia. (Alternate years) llIST-106 History of Modern Germany -A 4 hours A composite exan1ination of the coun;e of Gern1an unification under Prussia and Ger- 1nany's rise to the status of a great world power. Emphasis is given to nineteenth and twentieth centwy political and intellectual movements. (Alternate years)