1989-1990 Academic Catalog
180 Financial Information Forms ofPayment Students 111ay pay their college bills using cash, money orders, personal checks, certified checks, VISA, or MASTERCARD. Only United States currency (U.S. dollars) is accepted. Payment Penalties Students \Vho fail to make acceptable pay1nent arrangen1ents \Vithin a reasonable period of liine \Vill be denied access to the cafeteria and library until such arrange– n1ents are n1ade. Students \Vho do not 1nakc financial arrange1nents \Vi thin the first hvo days of the quarter \Vill be charged a $25 late registration fee. Those \Vho do not pay their bills in full \Viii be charged 1 1/2% interest per n1onth on the unpaid balance. Students \Vi th unpaid balances at the end of a quarter \Viii be denied enrolhnent in the next quarter, grade reports, transcripts, and/or college diplo1na. Payment Plans Students n1ay take advantage of one of t\VO payment plm1s: 1. Payn1ent in Full is the n1ost popular pay1nent plan. This plan involves paying the full an1ount due as indicated on the Student Data Sheet \Vithin the first two days of the acaden1ic tenn (quarter). Payn1ent envelopes available on cmnpus during regis– tration enable students to send checks through intracmnpus n1ail and avoid standing in lines. 2. Three-Pay Plan rnakes it possible for the student to pay his/her college bill in three pay1nents spread over sixty days. An interest charge of 1 1/2% per 1nonth is 1nade on the unpaid balance. First Pay111e111: At least one-third of the arnount the student is required to pay is due at financial registration. 111is is the mnount of the student's bill re111aining after financial aid grants and scholarships are deducted. When this pay1nent is 1nade, the student has con1pleted finm1cial registration. Second Pay111e111: At least one-half of the student's ren1aining balance is due \Vithin four \Veeks follo\ving financial registration. An interest charge of 1 1/2% per month is n1ade on the unpaid balance. Third (final) Pay111e11/: 111e re1naining balance Qwed by the student is due \vitltln eight \Veeks of financial registration. A late pay1nent charge of $10 is assessed on all student accounts \Vith a balance re111aining after this deadline. An interest charge of I 1/2% per n1onth is 1nade on the unpaid balance. TI1e use of the Three-Pay Plan constitutes a debt obligation of the student to the college and is payable in tenns as stated. Each parent and each student 1nust con– sider ru1d understand the full cost and obligation of the conunitn1ent being niade. 3. Prcpayn1ent Incentive Credit Plan (PIC-Plan) enables the student to ean1 interest on a credit balance of$500 or n1ore \Vhich is n1aintained for 30 days or 1nore in his or her student account. Interest canted is credited n1ontWy. 'The current rate of interest is 7.0% (munial; 1nonthly rate is .583%).111is plan operates autornatically as soon as the sludent has a credit balance of $500 or n1ore for at least 30 days. Prepayrnents can be n1ade nlonthly, quarterly, or annually. All pay1nents arc credited inunediately to the student's account. Withdrawals from a Student Account (Credit Balance) A student 1nay \Vithdra\v funds fron1 his or her account if the account has a credit balance. Cash \Vilhdra\vals of $25 or less 1nay be rnade t\vice \Veekly fron1 the cashier's office during regular business hours. \Vithdra\vals of an1ounts greater than $25 are issued by check upon request at the cashier's office. Check processing requires up to three \Vorking days fron1 the date of the request. Withdrawal Refunds Tuition and Science Laboratory Fees Students \Vithdra\ving fron1 the college before the end of a quarter n1ay request a refund front the Business Office. Refunds 1nay be requested anytime after the be– ginning of a quarter. The effective date of the \Vithdra\val is the date the \Vithdra\val fonn is received in the Acaden1ic Records Oftice. Processing ofrefunds \Viii begin the third \Veek of the quarter. Tuition and science laboratory fee refunds for \Vithdra\Val are granted on this schedule. First full calendar \Veek or less ...................................................................... 100% Second full calendar \Veck or less ................................................................... 75% Titlrd full calendar \Veek or less ...................................................................... 50% Fourth full calendar \Veek or less .................................................................... 25% Over four full calendar \Veeks ............................................................... No Refund Course offerings changed or deleted by the college entitle a student to a full refund of tuition m1d related course fees. Students \vitl1dra\ving front a course or courses \viii be granted full tuition refunds to apply to\vard courses added. If the ne\v total hours are fe\ver than the original total, the above refund schedule \Viii apply. Other Fees All other fees are not refundable except for \Vithdra\val \Vi.thin the first hvo days of the quarter.
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