1989-1990 Academic Catalog

184 Financial Information Wil/ia111 J. and Nora J. Bolthouse Endou 1 ed Scholarship Fund Given first to students from Ensley Baptist Church of Sand Lake, Ml, and to students ofWilliam Bolthouse Fanns, Inc. employees. Other students n1ay be eligible \Vhen the above priority has been satisfied. Ruby E. Booher Bontrager Me111orial Endott•ed Grant Fund Given to students who have demonstrated financial need. Cedarville College Me111orial E11dow111ent Given to full-time students \Vho dem– onstrate fmancial need. Minor and Bernice Cross Endott•ed Scholarship Fund Given to eligible students who have demonstrated fmancial need. The First Baptist Church ofFindlay, Ohio, Scholarship Fund Given to students of this church. Others may be considered should no qualified students fro1n the church enroll. Helping-Hand E11do1ved Fund Given to deserving and needy students. Estab– lished by Miss Mabel IrvinWalker. lVilliatn and Cora Nonnan Henry Endowed Me111orial Scholarship Fund Given to full-time students who can demonstrate financial need. Provided by Geraldine Herny. Harold P. "Hou 1 dy" House EndoH•ed Me111orial Scholarship Fund Given to a full-time student \Vith den1onstrated financial need. Robert L. Hutchinson Endowed Men1orial Fellowship Fund Given to a student preparing for full-time foreign missionary service. Ruby Jerentiah Scholarship Fund Given to an eligible female student. Provided by the faculty women. Willianz M. Junk and Frances lVillia111 Snlith Junk Endowed Grant Given to a freshman student with demonstrated academic pro\vess and financial need. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Kennedy Endon'ed Scholarship Fund Given to one or more students preparing for areas ofChristian service. Kilnberly Kerr Endowed Scholarship Fund Given to junior or senior nursing students with scholastic achievement. Established in n1emory of Kimberly Kerr, class of 1975. Willia111 M. and R111h A.1111 l.,eu•is EndolvedAssistance F1111d Given to students in good standing \vi.th den1onstrated financial need. George H. and Dena F. Louys Endou•ed Grant Fund Given to students training to be pastors or missionaries. Provided by fantily of Edna F. Louys. Nursing Endowed Scltolarsltip Fund Given to students with den1onstrated fman– cial need, acadentlc progress, and potential for Christian leadership in nursing. Pro– vided by Christian nurse friends of the College. The Pleasant Vieu• Baptist Clzurclz of lVn.>11, Ohio Endo\i>ed Sclzolarslzip Fund Given to students fron1 this church. Others n1ay be considered should no students from the church qualify. Rife Endowed Scholarship F1111d Established by Mrs. Ralph Rife and children. A\varded to students based on de1nonstrated financial need and donor stipulations. The Jean Scott Endon•ed Mentorial Scholarship Fund Given to continuing stu– dents \vi.th at Jeast a 2.50 GPAwho intend to be ntlssionaries. Jantes andLora Spencer Endon•ed Sclzolarslzip Given to students in good stand– ing \vi.th demonstrated financial need. The David lV. Stahl Endowed Me111orial Scholarship Fund Given to a sopho– more student pursuing a music major \Vith at least a 3.00 G.P.A. Esther Stone Endon•ed TJ·ust Fund Given to pre-ministerial or n1inisterial stu– dents \vi.th moral character, academic potential, and den1onstrated financial need. Stuck Me111orial Endowed Grant F1111d Given to eligible students. Established in n1e1nory of Jim Stuck. St1ulent Body Loan and Grant Fund Given to qualified students with financial need. Provided by the student body. Edward J. Thon1son Me111orial Scholars/zip Given to Bible or pre-seminary students, nursing students and other students, in that order. lVickerlza111 Mentorial Endou 1 ed Grant Fund Given to students \vi.th den1on– strated financial need. Rev. and Mrs. Earl V. lVillett Endon•ed Grant Fund Given to students in good standing. Provided by theWilletts family. Lewis P. Gallagher Sclzolarslzip Fund Given to qualified students fron1 the state ofMaine. Provided by the Le\vis P. Gallagher Family Foundation. Christian professio11al athletes are among the speakers invited to speak in chapel. /11 April of 1989A111/10ny Munoz, All-Pro ojfensfre tackle with the Ci11ci1111ati Bengals, shared how he was e11deavori11g to "niake a dij)Crence" in the cityofCi11chmati.