1989-1990 Academic Catalog

Campus Activities The Campus Activities Office provides a program of cultural,social, edu– cational, and recreational activities that is consistent with college educa– tional and spiritual objectives and, therefore, contributes to the personal development of college community members. An artist series provides con– ceits, cultural programs, and musical specialists. Other activities include a variety of learning experiences and social events such as banquets, talent nights, all-school pmties, interest trips, retreats, topical discussions, and guest speakers. A full range of recreational and intramural spo11s for both men and women, including flag football, cross country, soccer, volleyball, basketball, racquetball, table tennis, walleyball, softball, badminton, river rafting, skiing, and golf, completes the integrative approach of Campus Activities. Involvement in campus organizations provides additional opp01tunities for learning and social interaction. Student organizations include: Advisory 7 is an elected group of young men who serve the Student Body Fellowship in spiritual leadership. Alpha Chi, a society for men, endeavors to cultivate Christian personality and leadership in its members. Alpha Delta Omega is an organization for women designed to encourage the develop– ment of its membership primarily through personal services to students and others. Alpha Psi Omega consists of students interested in psychology and behavioral sciences. American Society for Personnel Administration consists of students interested in per– sonnel administratio~ or human resources. Beta Chi provides infomrntion and relevant opportunities for students pursuing broadcast related professions. CZ, a campus spirit organization, seeks to promote enthusiasm and pride in college tradi– tions and events. Cedars editorial staff is comprised of students who publish the campus semi-monthly newspaper. Cedarville College Republican Club is an organization dedicated to the development of Christian leaders in the political arena. Cedarville Elementary Education Club (CEEC) provides fellowship and seeks to stimu– late professional interests ;md to encourage professional growth among future teachers. Chi Sigma Iota, the college's chapter of Collegiate Secretaries International, seeks to engender interest in the secretarial field and to encourage continuing education. Chi Theta Pi provides advice and relevant experiences for students interested in the health-science professions. Earth Stewardship Organization is for students interested in promoting civil service, enjoyment, and stewardship of God's creation. Student Life 23 Emergency Medical Service is for trained students who provide prompt and professional pre-hospital care and transpo11ation to Cedarville students in need. Fellowship for World Missions sponsors an annual missionmy conference. Members also meet regularly to pray and to discuss missions. Gamma Zeta Theta, a society for women, focuses upon service to the college and com– munity while promoting spiritual development, leadership, and social interaction among its members. Iota Chi promotes awareness of various cultures through infonnation, service, and programs. Kappa Epsilon Alpha provides insights into the world of business and promotes free enterprise through its Students in Free Enterprise program. Literati seeks to foster a greater student appreciation of literature and promotes related cultural events. Married Student Fellowship is a group of maJTied students organized for the purpose of spiritual and social development through family fellowship. MENC is the college's student chapter of Music Educators National Conference for music majors and others involved in pursuing a music teaching program. Miracle staff is a group of students responsible for the publication of the college yearbook. Officials Club supports the intramural program by seeking to promote personal and pro– fessional development among members. PEMM Club is a professional organization for majors and minors in fields of health, physical education, and recreation. Pi Delta is a volunteer, honorary, coeducational student group whose purpose is to provide tours for campus visitors. Pi Sigma Nu is a campus men's group that seeks to aid in the development of the whole man through service projects and social activities. Prelaw Society is devoted to gathering and distributing infomiation relative to a law career. Guest speakers address areas of personal experience and student interest. Society for Technical Communicators promotes the purposes and services of technical communication systems. Student Government Association is the elected representative assembly of the student body. Swordbearers is a voluntary student organization devoted to assisting local churches in the ministry to youth, visitation, and conducting area canvasses. Tau Delta Kappa provides an opportunity for fellowship, exchange of ideas, and support of those students involved in the Honors Program. Varsity "C" Club is composed of individuals who have earned varsity letters in intercol– legiate spm1s. Village Players seeks to contribute to the development of the drama program by encour– aging excellence and by presenting and portraying the good qualities in the field of drama.