1989-1990 Academic Catalog
Minors The 1nirlors offered by the Depru11nent of Business Ad1ninistration are de– signed to provide the non-business 1najor \vith a basic understanding of ce11ain aspects of business. Course requiren1ents for the 1ninor in business ad1ninistration involve twenty-five quarter hours including: ACCT-211 Principles ofAccounting ...................................................... 5 MGMT-350 Principles ofOrganization and Management ....................... 4 MRKT-360 Principles ofMarketing ....................................................... 4 200, 300, and 400-level electives in business......................................... 12 Course require1nents for the 1ninor in Christian 1ninistries 1nanagen1ent involve hventy-five quarter hours including: ACCT-211,212 Principles ofAccounting ............................................. IO CIS-223 Microcomputer Applications .................................................... 3 FIN-273 Church BusinessAdntlnistration .............................................. 4 MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management ...................... .4 MRKT-368 Nonprofit Marketing ........................................................... 4 Course require1nents for the 1ninor in co1nputer infor1nation syste1ns in– volve twenty-five quarter hours including: ACCT-211 Principles ofAccounting ...................................................... 5 MGMT-350 Principles ofOrganization and Management ...................... .4 MRKT-360 Principles ofMarketing ....................................................... 4 200, 300, and 400-level CIS electives .................................................... 12 ''The knowledge ofbusiness I gained at Cedarville has enabledme to excel as aprogrammer because ofthe business-systems orientation ofmost ofmy projects. I feel extremely well-prepared formy work and have progressed much farther and faster than I ever thought I would have by this time. I attribute this success to the education I received at Cedarvllle." - Brian Sturgis, a 1987computer information systems graduate, works for United Engineers andConstructors in Philadelp/iia, Pennsylvania. Business Adminish·ation 71 Departmental Courses Accounting ACCT-211, 212 Principles ofAccounting-A, \V, Sp 5 hours each quarter An introduction to the accounting for sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. Topics include basic bookkeeping procedures, prepan1tion and use of financial staten1ents, management accounting, taxes, and payroll. Prerequisite: sophomore classification. ACCT-311, 312, 313 lntern1edlateAccounting-A, lV, Sp 3 hours each quarler Review of fundan1entals, basic accounting theory, and practice. Develop1nent of the abil– ity to analyze accounting problen1s and present clear, supportable solutions is stressed. Prerequisite: ACCT-212 Principles ofAccounting. ACCT-315 Accounting Inforn1ation Systen1s-Sp 3 hours A study of the flow of infommtion through the accounting systen1 emphasizing systems analysis and design, internal controls, and computer applications in the business cnviron– n1ent. Prere{1uisites: ACCT-212 Principles of Accounting, CIS-220 C01nputer lnfonnation Systems. ACCT-317 Cost Accounting-A 5 hours Principles of industrial and distribution cost accounting, job order and process cost sys– tems, and standard costs. Prerequisite: ACCT-212 Principles ofAccounting. ACCI'-411 Federal lncon1e Tuxes-A 4 hours Proper preparation of federal income tax retun1s for individuals, partnerships, and corpo– rations. Students are introduced to income lax planning and the effect of income taxes on business decisions. Prerequisite: ACCT-212 Principles ofAccounting. ACCT-412 Audiling-1Y 4 hours A study of auditing standards and related auditing procedures. Topics include evaluation of audit evidence, professional responsibilities, and auditors' reports and opinions. Prerequi– site: CIS-220 Computer Infonnation Systems, ACCT-313 Jntennediate Accounting, BUS-212 Statistics. ACCT-413 Ad\·anced Accounling-Sp 4 hours A study of consolidated financial staten1ents, foreign exchange, estates and trusts, branch accounting, and related problen1s. Prerequisite: ACCT-313 Intem1ediate Accounting. ACLI-415 Fund Accounting-Sp 4 hours Accounting and reJX>rting principles, standards, and procedures applicable to not-for- profit organizations. Prerequisite: ACCT-311 Intennediatc Accounting. (odd years) ACCT-417 Advanced Cost Accounting-Sp 4 hours Advanced topics in accounting for manufacturing companies and the use of 1he computer in cost accounting applications. Prerequisite: ACCT-317 Cost Accounting, (even years) ACCT-419 Advanced Accounting Problenis- H' 4 hours Comprehensive review of the application of accounting principles, using specific prob– lems and development of approaches to problen1 solving. Useful as intensive preparation for the C.P.A. cxainination. Prerequisite: ACCT-313 Intem1ediate Accounting.
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