1989-1990 Academic Catalog

College Profile Cedmville College is a Baptist college of arts and sciences of approxi– mately 1900 students. Since its founding, Cedarville has coupled a bal– anced liberal mts program with a fundamentalist, theological position in regard to doctrine and patterns of conduct. All classes are taught by dedi– cated Christian professors who integrate the knowledge of their respective fields with Biblical perspectives. In keeping with the liberal arts concept, the cuITiculum centers on a basic program of general studies, including Biblical education, communi– cations, humanities, physical education, science and mathematics, and so– cial science. Following this program, students choose a major field of concentrated study, related to their abilities, interests, and career goals. Upon completion, students receive the baccalaureate degree. Purpose Since its establishment, the pwpose of the College has remained the same: to offer an education consistent with Biblical truth. To achieve this purpose the College seeks to accomplish the following objectives: 1. To undergird the student in the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and to stimulate him to evaluate knowledge in the light of Scriptural truth. 2. To encourage growth in Christian character in each student, and to help the student accept his responsibility in faithful Clu·istian service. 3. To increase the student's awareness of the w~rld of ideas and events which are influencing our contempormy culture, and to prepm·e the student to knowledgeably pmticipate in our society. 4. To enable the student to develop sound critical and analytical reasoning. 5. To provide sufficient opportunities for students to practice the skills of communication. 6. To offer opportunities for academic specialization and prepm·ation for graduate study, and to assist the student in selecting and prepm'ing for a vocation. 7. To foster the student's appreciation of, and pm·ticipation in, wholesome avocational and cultural activities. Profile 7 Recognition, Certification, and Accreditation Cedarville College is an institution of higher learning approved by the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. The College is a four-year degree granting institution chmtered by the State of Ohio and ce1tified by the Ohio Board of Regents. The College is approved by the State Department of Education for the education and certification of both elementary and secondmy teachers. The bachelor of science in nursing program is accredited by the National League for Nursing. The College holds membership in the North Central Association of Col– leges and Schools. This recognition signifies that the college is accredited. The College also holds membership in the Ohio College Association, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio, the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, the Asso– ciation of Christian Schools International, and the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges.