1989-1990 Academic Catalog

FIN-373 lnYeshnents-A 4 hours A study of the various types of investtnents including stocks, bonds, ntutual funds, con1- mercial, paper, options, and commodities. Ptuticular emphasis is given to return and risk in developing investn1ent strategies. Prerequisite: FIN-371 Business Finance. FIN-375 Financial Institutions - Sp 4 hours An integrated and comprehensive analysis of financial markets and institutions e1npha– sizing financial intem1cdiaries and their operation in the markets. Prerequisites: FIN-371 Business Finance. FIN-377 lnYeshnenfsAnalysis and l\-lanage1nent - \V 4 hours TI1e theory and practice of security analysis techniques and portfolio management objec– tives. Prerequisite: FIN-373 Investments. I•IN-379 Problenis In Business Finance-A 4 hours Case study of financial nmnagement in business enterprises. Planning current and long– run financial needs, profit planning, fund allocating, fund rnising, dividend policies, expan– sion, and con1bination. Prerequisite: FIN-372 Corporate Financial Management Management l\.1Gl\.1T-350 Principles of Organizalion and l\.1anagen1ent -A, JV, Sp 4 hours An examination of the policies, principles, practices, and problems involved in the or– ganization and 1nanagement of business concerns. l\.1Gl\.1T-351 Sn1all Businl's.s l\.1anagement-Sp 4 hours A course dealing with the prograin involved in establishing and managing a small busi– ness. Financial organization, services, and problems are analyzed. Prerequisites: ACCT-212 Principles of AccolUlting, ri.1Gri.1T-350 Principles of Organization ai1d Management, and MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. l\.1Gl\1T-352 Production and Opcralions l\.Ianagentent-A 4 hours Introduction to the concepts, 1nethodologies, and application of production and opcn1- tions managen1ent. Designed to develop problem solving and decision niaking skills for application in the operations ai1d production areas of the finns. Designed to develop an appreciation for the interaction of operations management with the management systems of organization. Prerequisites: ACCT-212 Principles of Accounting, BUS-212 Statistics, MGivIT-350 Principle-s of Organization and Managen1ent. l\.-IGl\-1T-353 Personnel l\.Ianage1nent- H' 4 hours An analysis of the principal functions, processes, and problems invol\•ed in the nmnage– ment of personnel policies; selection, !raining, promotion, compensation, and discharge of personnel; labor tun1over, safety, health, and recreation. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Manage1nent or pcnnission of instructor. l\.1Gl\-1T-354 l\-Ianage1ncnt Science-Sp 4 hours An introduction to linear progran1ming, trnnsportation and assignment problen1s, network flow problems, and inventol)' systen1s. The linear progranuning, transportation and a'>sign- 1nent, network flow, and inventol)' n1odels are solved ai1d their use demonstrated by various applications. Prerequisite: BUS-212 Statistics. (even years) l\.1Gl\-1T-355 Organi1..ational Ileha\•ior 4 hours A study of the in1pact of hwnan behavior wilhin and upon the organi1.ational stn1cture, Emphasis is given to behavior as related to en1ployn1ent, absenteeism, employee turnover, productivity, human perfom1ance, and managen1ent. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management or permission of inslructor. Business Administration 75 l\-1Gl\-IT-357 lnternalional l\.1anagen1ent-lV 4 hours A broad perspective of management of principles as they interact in the global economy. Decision making in the areas of exporting and foreign direct investment arc analyzed fron1 the ntul!inational perspeclive. Strategy, organizational structure and control techniques are developed in a world environment. Prerequisite: MGrvIT-350 Principles of Organization and l\.1anagement. l\.1Gl\.1T-451 Administratfre Policy and Strategy-A, JV, Sp 4 hours A capstone to the undergraduate business prognun, integrating functional areas. Strategic issues faced by organi1_ations are analyzed in a comprehensive maimer. Skills in strategic analysis arc developed through lectures and from diverse industries, nonprofit and quasi– public institutions. Open only to seniors in business administration. Marketing l\.tRKT-360 Principles of l\.tarketing-A, H'. Sp 4 hours Introduction and survey of the marketing function in the business environn1ent. Course work will cover the basic components of product, price, promolion, and distribution as well as 111ore dynan1ic topics dealing with consumers, organizations, service, nonprofit, and inter– national nmrkets. l\-1RKT-361 Sales l\-1anagen1ent-A 4 hours Principles employed by businc-s.s fums in the ad1ninistra1ion and strntegy of a sales force. Factors involved in the organization of the sales force: recruiting and selection, training, compensation, 1no1ivating, and controlling. Sales forecasting and allocation of resources. Prerequisites: MGMf-350 Principles of Organization and ~1anagement, MRKT-360 Prin– ciples ofMarkcling. !\1RKT-362 l\-1arketing l\.fanagen1cnt-Sp 4 hours Factors involved in the management of the marketing function relative lo product devel– opn1enf, promotion, pricing, physical distribution, and the detcmtlnation of1narketing objcc~ lives within the framework of the marketing syslem and available markets. Prerequisites: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Managen1ent, MRKT-360 Principles of l\.1arkcling. (even years) l\.ffiKT-363 l\.Iarkeling Research-Sp 4 hours Role of market research in 1narketing development. Decision making in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Dctemtlnation of hypotheses. Planning research designs: survey, observational, experimental, and sin1ulation. Execution ofsurvey design: <1uestionnaire construction, sample design, interviewing, tabulation, analysis, interpretation of results, and presentation. Pre– requisites: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing, BUS-212 Statistics. l\-tRKT-365 Consu1ner Behavior- H' 4 hours Introduction to the psychological, sociological, cultural, and economic detem1inants of consumer behavior. Emphasis on exploration and discussion of various concepts and theo– ries for the purpose of building understanding and of providing an exposure to a variety of viewpoints. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing, l\.Ulli.T-366 Principles ofAd\'ertising-A 4 hours Advertising as a communications tool in marketing n1ai1agemen1. Emphasis on decision– making relative to 1narket analysis. Media selection, budge.ling, production ai1d layout, and 1ncasurcment of effectiveness. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing or pemtls– sion of instructor.