1989-1990 Academic Catalog

EDUC-.~05 Junior Practicum 5 hours A ten-week field experience required of secondal)' music edm:alion Mudcnts. Tl1e prnc– tkum must be completed prior lo student teaching and is on a Crl.'dit/No Credit b;L..;is. Prerequisite: Admission to !he Teacher Education Program and l\·tethods of Teaching l\lusk. EDUC-310 Supervised Firld Experience 1-5 hours A one-to-five hour credit placement in an clcrncntury or secondary classroom. Tl1e a-.– signment is designed to give a transfer student or a student rt'JX'aling olher field experience an analogous CXJX'ricnce to Ihose for the existing teacher educution classes. EDUC-316, 317 Principles of Teaching 8 hours A combination of methods of teaching, clinical experience, and field e.\fX'ricnce in secon– dary schoob with attention lo combining lhe theory and pmctice of teaching :md learning in each of the teaching fields·. Pn.>n.•quisitc: Admission to the Teacher Educ.ition Program. (Fee: $50) EDUC-320 Children's Literature 3 hours A suryey of the early history. 1najor types, and moden1 lrends of literature fOr children from preschool through grade eight. Social and pef!<ional value of literature is studied. EllUC-.121 Philosophy of Educalion J hours A critical analysis of educational philosophies and their impact on Chrislian educational philosophy EDUC-330 Co1nputer Programnting fur Teachers 3 hours lltis course is designed lo introduce preservice teachers to the fundamentals of the in– structional use of computers and to give them necessary skills in BASIC progranuning lo enable !hem to write drill and practice progrnms in their curricular area. EDUC-350 Reading in the Content Arca 3 hours An inlroduction to the dimensions, strategics, and programs for learning :md teaching the reading process, including the nature of the reading pnx-ess, assessment techniques, and instructional strategics to provide increa.sed comprehension of lhe textual material of the disciplines represented in this class. Prerequisite: Admission to !he Teacher Education Progrrun. EDUC-352 Develop1nenlal Reading 5 hours Includes basic philosophies, current prncticcs, te.<,ting, and evaluation for reading disabili– ties and correction<;; and materials and methods lllilizctl in the teaching of reading in the secondary schools. Laborntory and field ex1x-riences are included. Elententarr l\lcthods II 14 hours EDUC-36j l\lelhods and i\latcrials for l\falhe1natics EDUC-.172 Science l\lcthods EDUC-373 Social Studies l\lclhods EDUC-375 Field Experience An introduction lo lhe objectives. skills, instmctional s!rntegies, teaching aids, and re~ source materials for leaching mathematics, science, and soci:il ~tudies in the elemenlary schools. Clinical field experiences provide theory-driven application. Prerequisites: Admis– sion to leacher Education Pro,gnun; EDUC-182, 183 r-.·tathematics for the Elemental)' Teacher. (Fee: $30) EDUC-380 Reading: Diagnostic and Remediation Techniques 5 hours Experience in the use of fonnal and infomrnl testing to diagnose various types of devel– opmental and remedial reading prob!en1s. Emphasis upon individual a<;sessment techniques in identification, testing, and causation of reading difficulty. E.'\periencc in the techniques of Education 101 tutoring pupils having reading problems. lkvelopmenl of instnu:tional s!rnlegics ordiagnos– tic teaching. Prerequisite: EDUC-J50 Reading in the Content Arca or EDUC-J52 lkvelop– mental Reading or EDUC-J91 Reading r-.·kthods. Ele1nentary Srhnol l\lcthods I 14 hours EDUC-391 Reading l\lclhods EDUC-393 Languugc Arts l\lclhods EUUC-39-t Field Experience An introduclion to the objectives. skills, and strategics of in~truction with a linguistic emphasis, and teaching aids, and resource materials, and implementation in field experience in the teaching of reading and language arts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Educa– tion Progr;un. (Fee: $30) EDUC-400 Independent Study in Education 1-5 hours lnves!ig:1tion of contemponuy topics in education through reading. writing, or creative projects. Prerequisite: 15 quarter lmurs in educalion. EDUC-440 Special Student Teaching 5-12 hours Occasionally, unusual situalions arise which entail special provisions: e.g., summer school student teaching for experienced teachers, repeated experiences, etc. EDUC·450 Super\·i.scd Teaching and Se1ninar 15-16 hours t\·lost directed teaching is done in nearby schools. Opportunities for place1nenl on the mission field arc available. One quarter must be reserved. 1l1e seminar includes a study of contcmpoml)' topics in education. Prerequisite: All required education courses. (Fee: $120) Special Education Courses are offered eve I)' f'\'f'll year, winter quarter only. RllUC-260 Special Educalion in Ihe Church 3 hours An overview will be given of the charncteristics of the menially retarded and basic techniques for developing programs within churches and schools. EDUC-3-10 ~lenlal Retardation and Devclup1ncntal Disabililies 3 hours An examination of the causes and effects of retardation and related developmental dis– ahililies in honte, church, school, and community settings. EDUC-445 Career Educalion and Occupational Training for Exceptional Jndhiduals 3 hours Role of occupational training in the curriculum; relationship$ with the world of work; probl~ms o.f organizing and administering: mclhcxls and techniques used in developing oc– cupatmnal mteresls and abilities at \'arious levels. Field/clinical experiences required. EDUC-455 Nature and Needs of the l\lildly Handicapped 4 hours Required four-hour course for state certification in special education. Causes and effects of specific learning and language disabilities, severe behavior disorders and mild develop– mental disabilities. How the church c:in minister to the frunilies and students who have these problems. Study of teaching and strategies nppropriatc for these individuals. PE~l-362 Adapted Physical Educalion 5 hours (See the Depar1ment of Health & Physical Education section of the catalog.)