1990-1991 Academic Catalog

The minors in the Department of Science and Mathematics are designed to provide non-majors with additional background in the biological sci– ences, mathematics, and the physical sciences. Course requirements for the biology minor involve twenty-four quarter hours including: BI0-115 General Zoology ..................................................................... 5 BI0-134 General Botany ....................................................................... 5 Biology electives .................................................................................. 14 Course requirements for the minor involve twenty-four quarter hours including: CHEM-151,152,153 General Chemistry .............................................. 12 CHEM-254 Quantitative Analysis .......................................................... 4 CHEM-357 Organic Chemistry ............................................................. 5 Chemistry electives ................................................................................ 3 Course requirements for the mathematics minor involve twenty-five quar– ter hours including: MATH-281,282,283 Analytical Geometry and Calculus ....................... 15 Mathematics electives (300 or 400 level courses) .................................. 10 Course requirements for the physics minor involve twenty-five quarter hours selected from: PHYS-271,272,273 General Physics .................................................... 15 PHYS-376 Electricity and Magnetism ................................................... 5 PHYS-378,379 Modem Physics .......................................................... 10 A medical technology option is available within the biology major. The student must spend one year in a hospital internship program to become a certified medical technologist. Prerequisites to the hospital internship in– clude: 24 hours of biology, 24 hours of chemistry, one mathematics course, and completion of all general education requirements. The student may do the internship during his/her senior year, with 48 hours of transfer credit applied to the biology major upon successful com– pletion of the internship. Many students complete the requirements for a biology major first and then take the internship after graduation from Ce– darville College. Students cite the close interaction with their professors as one ofthe key benefits ofscience courses at Cedarville. Douglas Miller teaches inorganic and analytical chemisfly.