1991-1992 Academic Catalog

132 Interdisciplinary Studies Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Air Force Cedai:ville College cooperates with Wright State University in offering Reserve Officer Training Corps instruction which prepares students for com– missioning as second lieutenants in the United States Air Force. While all courses are taken through the College, leadership laboratories and classes for the junior and senior years are taught at Wright State University, the site of the area Air Force ROTC detachment. Transportation is provided by the College. The four-year program is divided into two phases: the General Military Course involving the freshman and sophomore years and the Professional Officer Course involving the junior and senior years. Students enrolled in the Professional Officer Course receive $100 per month subsistence al– lowance. Scholarships covering the cost of tuition, fees, textbooks, and a $100 monthly allowance for two, two-and-a-half, three, and three-and-one-half years are available to students who demonstrate academic and leadership potential. A one-year scholarship is also available for computer science, electrical engineering, and nursing students. Scholarship availability is greatest in the areas of math, computer science, physics, nursing, and premedicine. Traditionally, about half of Cedai:ville cadets are able to win scholarships. Students interested in Air Force ROTC should contact Department of Aerospace Studies, Wright State University, Dayton Ohio 45435, phone: (513) 873-2730 or Cedarville CollegeAdmissions Office. Departmental Courses Air Force ROTC course requirements count as elective credits in the 192 quarter hours required for graduation. AES-100 Leadership Laboratory-A, W.Sp 0 hours Applied Arr Force ROTC training. Credit/No Credit Taken concurrently with 100-level AES courses. AES-121 U.S. Military Fm:ces I-A l hou.r Explores the doctrine, missions, and organization of the U.S. Arr Force and its major commands. Reviews in detail the organization ofthe Arr Force and the Soviet threat AES-122 U.S. Military Forces II- W l hour Explores the mission, organization, and weapon systems of the Strategic Arr Command, Aerospace Defense Command, and Tactical Arr Command. Studies center on U.S. security. current strategy, and arms control. AES-l23U.S.Milita.ryForcesill-Sp lhour Explores the mission, organization, and weapon systems of the U.S. Navy, reserve forces, Military An-lift Command, Arr Force Logistics Command, Arr Force Systems Command, Arr Training Command, and the separate operating agencies. AES-200 Leadership Lahoratory-A,W,Sp 0 hours Applied Arr Force ROTC training. Credit/No Credit. Taken concurrently with 200-level AES courses. AES-221 Development ofAerospace Power I-A l hour Explores the early development of air power until WWII. Studies center around the devel– opment of various concepts of air power employment and on factors that have prompted research and technological change. AES-222 Development ofAerospace Power II-W l hour Explores the early development of air power from WWII through the Berlin airlift Studies center around the development of various concepts of air power employment and on factors that have prompted research and technological change. AES-223 Development ofAerospace Power ill-Sp 1 hour Explores the development of air power from the Korean War until the present Studies center around the development of various concepts of air power employment and on factors that have prompted research and technological change. AES-300 Leadership Laboratory-A,W,Sp 0 hours Applied Arr Force ROTC training. Credit/No Credit. Taken concurrently with 300 level AES courses. AES-331 Aerospace Leadership and Management I-A 3 hours Examines the Arr Force manager's world and elements of the job. Examines leadership with emphasis on the insights provided by leadership research. Provides experience in exer– cising communicative skills necessary for effective management and leadership. AES-332 Aerospace Leadership and Management II - W 3 hours Examines leadership styles and research models. A thorough review of the implications of the styles in improving management techniques is conducted. Planning, organizing, control– ling, and management by objectives are studied extensively. AES-333 Aerospace Leadership and Management ill- Sp 3 hours Examines the aspects of management delineating the decision-making process as it relates to the individual and the group. Discusses organizational structure staffing and examines managerial strategy and tactics. Reviews manager's role in dealing with conflict/change.