1991-1992 Academic Catalog

134 Languages and Literature RayrrwndBartholomew, a recognized literary law consultant, chairs the department of language and literature. Purpose The Department of Language and Literature seeks to achieve the follow– ing objectives: 1. To instruct students to speak and write correctly and effectively. 2. To encourage students to read and appreciate the great masterpieces of English, American, and world literature. 3. To teach students to evaluate literature intelligently. 4. To provide a general knowledge of the chronology and the social and intellectual background ofEnglish andAmerican literature. 5. To prepare students for graduate work in the field ofEnglish. 6. To prepare teachers ofEnglish. 7. To prepare students for professional and technical writing. Personal Requirements Students who choose English as a major are expected to acquire a high level of competency in the discipline of the English language. Those who wish to study foreign language will benefit from taking foreign language in high school, although no previous foreign language experience is required to take elementary level foreign language. "Having worked at two major universities, I have no regrets at all about attending Cedarville. The professional writing courses provided me with the writing skills and desk-top publishing experience that I use everyday in my work. Yet beyond that, Cedarville taught me how to interact with others and to build good interpersonal relationships." - Kevin Shaw, a 1987 English/professional writing graduate, is the athletic publications editor at Michigan State University.