1991-1992 Academic Catalog
World, English, and American Literature • LIT-230 Introduction to Literature-W 5 hours Emphasis on developing ability to read critically and analytically representative examples of literary genres through use of appropriate criteria Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Compo– sition Il. LIT-231 World Literature-A, W, Su 5 hours A survey of major works of the Western literary tradition from Homer to Joyce. Prerequi– site: ENG-140 English Composition Il. LIT-233 Mythology-W 5 hours A study of mythologies, the theories of myth and mythmaking, and the development of myth to modem times. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. LIT-237 Major BritishAuthors-Sp 5 hours A study ofthe major British authors. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. Does not count toward a straight English major. LIT-238 MajorAmericanAuthors- W 5 hours A study of the major American authors. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. Does not count toward a straight English major. LIT-320 Methods ofTeaching Composition and Literature-A 3 hours Designed to explore the various methods and materials essential to the teaching of compo– sition and literature on the secondary level. LIT-323 Directed Readings 1-4 hours Selected readings designed to strengthen the major by providing primary and secondary material in preparation for an independent study of a major writer, literary genre, or literary period. UT-329 British Literature: Beginnings through Renaissance-Sp 5 hours A study of major canonical writings from Old, Middle, and early Modern periods. Pre– requisite: LlT-230 Introduction to Literature, major status, or i;ie:nTission ofinstructor. LIT-330 British Literature: From Renaissance to Romanticnsm- W 5 hours A study of the metaphysicals, Milton, Pope, Swift and Johnson. Prerequisite: LlT-230 Introduction to Literature, major status, or permission ofinstructor. LIT-331 The Euglish Novel- W 4 hour A reading and critical analysis of representative novels of the period from Richardson to Hardy. Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition Il. (odd years) LIT-334 Nineteenth Century English Literature-Sp 5 hours A study of the major Romantic and Victorian writers, giving emphasis to Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Browning, and Tennyson. Prerequisite: LIT-230 Introduc– tion to Literature, major status, or permission ofinstructor. LIT-335 Shakespeare- W 5 hours Representative comedies, history plays, tragedies, and sonnets. Prerequisite: LIT-230 In– troduction to Literature, major status, or permission ofinstructor. LIT-336American Realism and Naturalism-Sp 5 hours American literature from 1865-1900, with emphasis on the local color movement; Twain, James, Howells, Crane, Dreiser, and Norris. Prerequisite: LIT-230 Introduction to Literature, major status, orpermission of instructor. Languages andLiterature 141 LIT-337 ContemporaryAmerican Literature-Sp 5 hours A study of post World War I writers whose works reflect t:he dom!11ant though~ patterns and values of the 20th century. Prerequisite: LIT-230 lntroductmn to Literature, maJOf status, or permission ofinstructor. (even years) LIT-338 Contemporary British Literature-A 5 hours A study of representative and significant 20th century British writers, especially those reflective of modern ideologies. Prerequisite: LIT-230 Introduction to Literature, major sta– tus. or permission ofinstructor. LIT-339American Romanticism- W 5 hours A study of American writers from 1830-1865, emphasis on Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman. Prerequisite: LIT-230 Introduction to Literature, major status, or perniission of instructor. LIT-342American Novel- W 4 hours A study of the historical development of the American novel, and an analysis of the writings of major American novelists from Cooper to Faulkner. Prerequisite: LIT-230 Intro- duction to Literature, major status, or permission ofinstructor. (even years) LIT-413 Dramatic Literature-Sp 4 hours Emphasis upon the relationships among styles, theory, criticism, and dranratic construc– tion. Can be applied to meet English or speech requirements, but not to meet both fields. Prerequisite: LIT-230 Introduction to Literature, major status. or permission of instructor. LIT-421 Literary Criticism-Sp 3 hours A study of major critical theories from ancient times to the present Prerequisite: 200 or 300 level literature course. Required for all secondary and English majors. LIT-422 English Seminar-W . 3 ho~rs Designed to help the student synthesize his major areas of study. Required of all semor English majors. LIT-423 Independent Study in English 1-4 hours Independent study in a selected field for students with special interests and demonstrated ability. LIT-442 European Novel- W 4 hours A study of the 19th and 20th century influence on the novel from Balzac to Camus. Prerequisite: LIT-230 Introduction to Literature, major status, orpermission ofinstructor. (odd years) "Cedarville stretchedme and challenged me. It was there that I really learned to think analytically in a Christian context." - Karen Beattie, a 1986 English graduate and assistant editor at Moody Monthly, earned her masters degree in journalism from Drake University.
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