1991-1992 Academic Catalog
156 Music CDMU-366 Choral Repertoire and Practicum-W 3 hours A reading laboratory for the purpose of surveying and evaluating choral literature for use in the church. The course includes practical conducting experience. CDMU-499 Independent Study in Conducting-A, W, Sp 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of conducting for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Prerequisite: CDMU-362 or 363 or equivalent History and Literature HLMU-331 Music HistoryI-Medieval and Renaissance-A 4 hours A study of the music of western civilization traced from its primitive sources with special attention given to medieval and Renaissance music. HLMU-332 Music History Il-Baroque and Classical- W 4 hours A study of the music of western civilization traced from 1580 through the early works of Beethoven with special attention given to the major musical forms in vocal and instrumental music as demonstrated in the works ofMonteverdi, Schuetz, Lully, Corelli, Vivaldi, Rameau, J.S. Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, and Mozart HLMU-333 Music History ill- Romantic and Modem-Sp 4 hours A study of the music of western civilization traced from the time of Beethoven to the present HLMU-499 Independent Study in Music History-A, W, Sp, Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music history for individual stu– dents who demonstrate special interests and ability. Prerequisite: HLMU-331, 332, and 333 Keyboard Pedagogy KPMU-201 Keyboard Pedagogy I-A 4 hours A study of techniques and literature for the teaching of beginning to intermediate piano students, both in a private and class setting. Includes study of graded teaching materials and participation in a supervised teaching setting. KPMU-202 Keyboard Pedagogy Il-W 4 hours Discussion of pedagogical problems involving intermediate students; evaluation of piano literature and investigation of specific aspects of piano pedagogy through readings and discussion. KPMU-203 Keyboard Pedagogy ill-Sp 4 hours A study of technique and literature for the very young beginner and the older beginning student Planning for musical and technical development, teaching strategies for individual and group lessons, and preparing students for festivals and competition. KPMU-311, 312, 313 Directed Teaching-A. W, Sp 1 hour each Supervised teaching experience in a private or class format with beginning to intermediate level piano students. Prerequisite: KPMU-201,202,203 Keyboard Pedagogy Series. KPMU-401 Class Piano Pedagogy-A l hour Pedagogical methods and techniques using electronic studio in-class teaching. Prerequi– sites: KPMU-201, 202, 203 Keyboard Pedagogy Series. KPMU-402 Studio Business Practice- W 1 hour Developing the piano studio as a small business. Aspects of advertising, building and keeping clientele, taxes, record keeping and the use of a microcomputer as an accounting and teaching tool. Prerequisite: KPMU-201, 202, 203 Keyboard Pedagogy Series. KPMU-403 Survey ofAdvanced Pre-College Literature - Sp 1 hour Survey of representative Baroque through 20th century literature for the advanced pre– college pianist. Teaching historically stylistic playing; selection of audition and contest litera– ture. Prerequisite: KPMU-201, 202, 203 Keyboard Pedagogy Series. KPMU-411,412,413 Directed Teaching-A,W,Sp l hour each Supervised teaching experience in a private or class format with beginning to intermediate level piano students. Prerequisite: KPMU-201, 202, 203 Keyboard Pedagogy Series. Music Education EDMU-187 High Brass Methods-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of trumpet and French horn. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-188 LowBrass Methods-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques oftrombone, baritone, and tuba. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-190GuitarMethods-W 2hours A study of the historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of the gui– tar. Required of music education majors pursuing the Choral Track Open to other students by permission ofthe instructor. (Fee: $15) EDMU-191 Woodwind Methods (Single Reed)-W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of clarinet, saxophone, and flute. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-192Woodwind Methods (Double Reed)- W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques oboe and bassoon. (even years) EDMU-193 High String Methods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on violin and viola performance techniques including both traditional and Suzuki methods. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-194 Low String Methods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on the methods and techniques used in playing the cello and string bass. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-195 Percussion Methods-A 2 hours Concentration in snare drum techniques and an introduction to tympani and tuned percus- sion methods. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-250 Computers in Music Education-S 1 hour A survey of computer software specifically designed for use in classroom teaching at all grade levels and on multiple computer systems. EDMU-273 Wind and Percussion Methods-Sp 3 hours An overview of the history, pedagogy, and performance techniques of all band instruments. This course is required for the vocal major pursuing secondary music education or the BME degree and is open to others by permission of the instructor. (even years)
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