1991-1992 Academic Catalog

158 Music THMU-310 Counterpoint-A 3 hours A survey of polyphonic music of the 18th century including analysis and experimental writing of species counterpoint, canon, two-part inventions, fugal expositions, and trio sonata movements. Prerequisite: THMU-225, 226 Theory V, VL THMU-314 Functional Keyboard Skills-A 3 hours The development of skills in harmonization at sight, transposition. playing by ear, and other keyboard harmony skills specifically designed to meet the piano proficiency require– ments. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. THMU-322 SynthesizerApplications in Music- W 2 holli!"s An in-depth examination of synthesizer technology in a lab setting including synthesizer progamming and performance techniques, implementation of MIDI standards into a music workstation, and multi-track recording of electronic instruments. THMU-323 ComputerApplications in Music-S 2 hours An evaluation of available computer technology with specific applications to an electronic music srudio including use of computers with MIDI. sequencing, music notation, and perfor– mance. Prerequisite: THMU-322 SynthesizerApplications in Music. THMU-4ll Form and Analysis-W 3 hours A srudy of the structure of music approached through analysis of representative works. Prerequisite: THMU-213 Theory VL (even years) THMU-413 Orchestration-A 3 holli!"s A course designed to develop skills in scoring music for various instrumental groups. Prerequisite: THMU-226 Theory VL THMU-499 Independent Smdy in Music Theory-A, W, Sp. Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive srudy in a particular area ofmusic theory for individual srudents who demonstrate special interests and ability. Performance Private instruction for credit in piano, voice, and orchestral and band instruments is available to all music majors. Students other than music majors will need special approval from the Music Department. Private instruction for credit on any instrument available may be arranged with qualified professional teachers for all students in the program. All students studying privately, whether music majors or not, are required to attend all general recitals. They will also perform regularly in student recitals. Credit in performance lessons is based on a minimum of six hours ofpractice and one-half hour lesson per week for one hour of credit. An audition is required for initial registration. Continued registration is based upon satisfactory progress as determined each quarter by the instructor. Private Study PLMU-100, 200, 300, 400 Organ -A, W, Sp PLMU-llO, 210, 310, 410 Piano-A, W, Sp PLMU-120,220,320,420Voice-A, W,Sp 1-2 hOllil"S 1-2 hours 1-2 hours PLMU-130, 230, 330, 430 Trumpet-A. W, Sp PLMU-131,231,331,431 Trombone/Bar.Horn-A, W,Sp PLMU-132, 232, 332, 432 French Horn -A, W, Sp PLMU-133, 233, 333, 433 Tuba-A, W, Sp PLMU-140, 240, 340, 440 Clarinet-A, W, Sp PLMU-141, 241, 341, 441 Flute-A, W, Sp PLMU-142, 242, 342, 442 Saxophone-A, W, Sp PLMU-143, 243, 343, 443 Oboe-A, W. Sp PLMU-144, 244,344, 444Bassoon-A, W, Sp PLMU-150, 250, 350, 450 Violin-A, W, Sp PLMU-151, 251, 351, 451 Viola -A. W, Sp PLMU-152, 252, 352, 452 Cello-A, W, Sp PLMU-153, 253, 353, 453 Double Bass-A, W, Sp PLMU-160, 260, 360, 460 Guitar-A, W, Sp PLMU-170, 270, 370, 470 Percussion-A, W, Sp 1-2 hours l-2hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours l-2hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours l-2hours 1-2 hours 1-2 hours PLMU-490 Senior Recital-A. W, Sp l hour A music major is to register for this course the quarter in which he/she anticipates the presentation oftheir senior recital. (Fee: $70) Class Study CLMU-181PianoClassI-A, W,Sp lhour Group instruction in piano fundamentals. Required for music majors and minors who are unable to pass the piano proficiency. Open to other individuals with permission of the instructor. CLMU-182 Piano Class Il-W, Sp 1 hour Continued group instruction in piano fundamentals and repertoire. Prerequisite: CLMU- 181 Piano Class I. CLMU-185 Voice Class-A, W, Sp l hollil" Group instruction designed for the entering freshman level music major who anticipates major or proficiency performance area to be voice. The class meets two hours each week in the aurumn quarter, one hour of class together with private instruction during the winter and spring quarters. Instruction is devoted to basic vocal technique and beginning repertoire. Repeatable. Prerequisite: Audition. CLMU-186 Voice Class-A 1 hour Group instruction in basic vocal technique and repertoire. Enrollment open to any student not majoring in voice. Repeatable. CLMU-286 Intermediate Voice Class- W 2 hours Continued vocal instruction with an emphasis on pedagogical techniques developed through laboratory experience. This course is required for the student pursuing either second– ary music education or the BME degree (instrumental track). Available to any student desir– ing further vocal srudy. Prerequisite: CLMU-186 Voice Class. CLMU-305Accompanying- Sp 3 hours An intensive study, in a master-class environment, of vocal and instrumental literature, accompanying skills, and piano duets. Prerequisite: Permission ofthe instructor. (odd years)