1991-1992 Academic Catalog

18 Student Life Christian Ministries The College considers active ministry to others to be an effective way to develop Christian character and to advance the cause of Christ. Such ser– vice can also provide excellent practical experience in a student's chosen field of study. Consequently, all students are strongly encouraged to volun– teer to serve in some area of Christian ministry. The Christian Ministries Department coordinates all student ministries at the College. Directed by the vice president for Christian ministries and coordinated by seven full-time staff members, this department offers one of the largest ministry programs of any Christian college in the country. Students volunteer for any one of over l 00 different ministries. Their im– pact is extensive: gospel teams minister in over 400 churches each year, extension teams have on-going weekly ministries in over 30 area churches, community ministry teams reach out locally through nearly sixty social agency ministries, and Missionary Internship Service teams and individu– als share the gospel on every continent in the world. The vice president for Christian ministries is responsible for the assign– ment of students who register for Christian service work and is available for _pastoral counseling. He and his staff coordinate Sunday services and prayer meetings on campus, traveling teams and all outreach ministries. Records are kept of all Christian ministries activities and a permanent file is maintained for each student. Missionary Internship Service MIS provides unique opportunities for students to experience missions first-hand. Each year, particularly in the summer, nearly 100 students share the gospel around the globe through team and individual ministries. This involvement in missions aids missionaries in their work and helps students discern God's direction in their own lives concerning career missionary service. Participants are expected to raise their own financial and prayer support and report on their ministries. Some students choose to earn aca– demic credit for the experience. Details of the program are available from the Christian ministries office. MIS teams have served in 50 countries including Australia, Brazil, China, England, Germany, Ireland, Israel, the Ivory Coast, Jamaica, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, and Spain. TheKingsmen Quartet, one of4 traveling music teams, extended their 1991 musical ministry by producing a recording_ Hundreds have come to Christ through the 20 Athletesfor Christ basketball teams that have ministeredin the Philippines since 1970_