1991-1992 Academic Catalog

180 Science andMathematics Science students often obtain graduate or research positions. 1990 biology graduate Jennifer Chon works with a research team at Columbia University. Predental, Premedical, Preoptometric, Preosteopathic, and Preveterinary Medicine Cedarville students have been quite successful in gaining admission to medical/professional schools. Though no specific major is required by these schools, students typically choose majors in biology or chemistry. The se– quence of courses is arranged with the premedical advisor. The following courses are usually required by the professional colleges: MATH-281,282,283 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I, II, ill .............. 15 PHYS-271,272,273 General Physics I, II, ill ........................................ 15 CHEM-356 Biochemistry ...................................................................... 5 CHEM-357,358,359 Organic Chemistry I, II, ill ................................... 14 Biology electives (selected from) .......................................................... 15 BI0-316,317 Human Structure and Function I, II .................................. 10 BI0-238 Introductory Microbiology ...................................................... 5 BI0-306 Genetics .................................................................................. 5 BI0-313 Vertebrate Zoology .................................................................. 5 (or BI0-411 Vertebrate Embryology ..................................................... 5) Prepharmacy The prepharmacy curriculum enables a student to obtain the first two years of the five year pharmacy program at Cedarville College. To insure that specific course requirements may be met through Cedarville courses, the student should select the pharmacy college he or she plans to attend as early as possible and obtain a catalog describing the specific course requirements. The following courses should be included in the two years the prephar– macy student attends Cedarville: ENG-110 English Composition I ............................................................ 5 ENG-140 English Composition II.......................................................... 5 BI0-115 General Zoology ...................................................................... 5 BI0-134GeneralBotany ........................................................................ 5 CHEM-151,152,153 General Chemistry I, II, ill ................................... 12 MATH-281 Analytic Geometry and Calculus ......................................... 5 BI0-313 Vertebrate Zoology .................................................................. 5 CHEM-357,358,359 Organic Chemistry I, II, ill ................................... 14 COM-110 Fundamentals of Speech ........................................................ 5 GSS-100 Foundations of Social Science ................................................. 5