1991-1992 Academic Catalog

Departmental Courses SCED-301 Teaching Science-A 2 how-s A course designed to introduce prospective secondary school science teachers to the cur– riculum. materials, and methods ofclassroom and laboratory science teaching. SCED-302 Teaching Mathematics-A 2 hours A course designed to introduce prospective secondary school mathematics teachers to the curriculum, materials, and methods ofmathematics classroom teaching. SCED-321 Clinical Teaching in Science or Mathematics-A, W, Sp 1-3 hours A practical on-campus experience in which a student is assigned to assist a college instruc– tor in classroom and laboratory teaching, evaluation. and related responsibilities. The student must complete forty (40) clock hours of clinical involvement in the teaching field for which certification is desired. Students desiring certification in an additional field must complete an additional one (I) credit hour. representing 20 clock hours of experience. Prerequisite: Admis– sion to the Teacher Education Program. GSCl-440 Seminar-A, W, Sp l hour Each student presents a paper from library or laboratory research. Approval of the topic by the student's advisor and seminar instructor must be obtained and the date of presentation set before enrolling in the course. The student must also attend a minimum of 10 seminars during the senior year. Guest lecturers and faculty members may present papers at the invitation of the instructor. Required of all science and mathematics majors. Prerequisites: Senior classifi– cation and attendance of a minimum of 10 seminars during the sophomore and junior years. Biological Science BI0-114 Introduction to Biology-A S how-s Structure and function of plant and animal cells with emphasis on central concepts. This is the first biology course for majors; it may be taken by others with good preparation in high school biology and chemistry. Four lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $30) BIO-US General Zoology - W S hours A survey of the animal kingdom and of zoological principles, with an in?"oduction to anatomy, physiology, and classification. Three lectures and two 2-hour laboratones per week. Prerequisite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology. (Fee: $30) BI0-134 General Botany-A S hours A survey of the vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, and fungi, with an introduction to their anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, and economic importance. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology. (Fee: $30) BI0-200GeneralEcology-Sp . Shom:s A study ofthe interrelationships between living organisms and environment with emphasis upon environmental physiology, ecosystem and community ecology, and environmental stew– ardship. Laboratories feature field studies ofrepresentative aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Three (or four) lectures and one 3-hour (or 4-hour) lab, totaling 7 contact hours per week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology and BI0-134 General Botany. (Fee: $30) BI0-218 Pathophysiology-Sp . . .. S hours An analysis of the adaptations and alterations in human bodily function. PrerequlSlte: BI0- 217 Human Anatomy and Physiology. Science andMathematics 183 BI0-238 Introductory Microbiology- W S hours A study of plant microorganisms and viruses and their relationship to man's economy ~d hygiene. Basic laboratory techniques are stressed. Three lectures and three 2-hour laboraton.es per week. Prerequisites: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology and CHEM-151 General Chenns– try. (Fee: $30) BI0-306Genetics-A Sh.ours A study of the principles of heredity and their application to plant, animal, and human life. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology and GSCl-184 College Algebra. (Fee: $30) BI0-312 Invertebrate Zoology-Sp S hours A survey of representative invertebrates to include taxonomic, morphological, ~d evolu– tionary relationships. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. PrereqU1s1te: BI0- 115 General Zoology. (Fee: $30) (even years) BI0-313 Vertebrate Zoology-Sp S hours A study of the various vertebrate groups, with emphasis upon vertebrate taxonomy and .anatomy. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology. (Fee: $30) (even years) BI0-316, 317 Human Structure and FunctionI, II- W, Sp S hours each quarter The study of structure and function of the human body with special emphasis on body systems. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BI0-115 General Zoology, major in biology or chemistry. (Fee: $30) (odd years) BI0-334 Plant Taxonomy and Ecology- Sp S hours A field botany course in which students learn to identify vascular plant species, collect and preserve specimens, and associate them with their re.spective taxo~omic tarnilies and biotic communities. Two lectures and two 3-hour laboratones per week, mcluding some extended field trips. Prerequisite: BI0-134 General Botany. (Fee: $30) BI0-336 Plant Physiology- W S hours A study of the unique physiological processes of plant life. These include plant and soil– water relationships, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, and mechanisms that enable plants to coordinate their growth and development in response to environmental stimuli. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BI0-134 General Botany and CHEM-353 Organic Chemistry. (Fee: $30) (odd years) BI0-340 through BI0-349 S hours each Includes a selection of 5-hour courses taught at AuSable Institute by faculty of various evangelical Christian colleges: BI0-340 Topics on Environmental Biology BI0-341 Land Resow-ces BI0-342 Field Botany BI0-343 Animal Ecology BI0-344 Natw-al Resources Practicum I BI0-34SWater Resow-ces BI0-346 Environmental Chemistry