1991-1992 Academic Catalog

184 Science andMathematics BI0-347 Insect Taxonomy and Ecology BI0-348Aquatic Biology BI0-349 Natural Resourses Practicum ll Each course emphasizes Christian stewardship ofnatural resources as its integrative theme. Students should register the desired number of hours under BI0-340. Selected course titles will appear on the transcript when the work is completed. Choice can be made from four course sequences which, if completed in addition to requirements for the biology major, will earn certification in one of the following areas designed to prepare students for employment or graduate study: (1) Interpretive Naturalist, (2) Water Resource Analyst, (3) Land Resource Analyst, and (4) Environmental Analyst Prerequisite: BI0-200 Environmental Biology. BI0-400 Independent Study in Biology 1-4 hours Independent experimental study involving a particular biological phenomenon. Submis– sion and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisite: Major in biology and permission of advisor. (Fee: $5/hour) BI0-405 Environmental Biology Internship 4-10 hours An opportunity to participate in an internship experience, arranged in conjunction with local or state agencies. Provides experience in such activities as nature interpretation, plant and animal cataloging, habitat restoration, ecological studies, and administration of environ– mentally related projects of community concern. Prerequisite: BI0-200 General Ecology, CHEM-357 Organic Chemistry. BI0-407 Molecular Biology of the Cell-A 5 hours A study of the cell with special emphasis on molecular organization and function. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology, CHEM-357 Organic Chemistry. (Fee: $30) (even years) BI0-4ll Vertebrate Embryology-W 5 hours A study of the initiation and development of tissues and organs with emphasis on embry– onic development of vertebrates, including the human. Three lectures and two 3-hour labora- tories per week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology. (Fee: $30) (odd years) BI0-436 Radiation Biology-A 4 hours The effects of ionizing radiation on biological systems and methods of using radioiso– topes. Introductory material on radiation physics and dosimetry is included. The laboratory exercises introduce the student to basic instrumentation and techniques in the safe handling of radioisotopes. The course may be applied to either a biology or a chemistry major. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: One year of chemistry, one course in biology, one course in mathematics. (Fee: $30) (odd years) "I was concerned that by attending asmall Christian college that I would not be able to fulfill my dream of going to dental school and becoming a dentist. Yet upon graduating from Cedarville, I was admitted to all of the dental schools to which I applied. I also found that the College prepared me well for the academic challenges of dentistry." - Craig Colas, a 1980 chemistrylpredental graduate and dentist in Binghamton, New York, attended dental school at Case Western Reserve University Chemistry CHEM-151, 152, 153 General Chemistry I,ll, ill-A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter Fundamental facts and principles of chemistry. Quantitative techniques are stressed in the laboratory during the first two quarters. Laboratory emphasis is on qualitative analysis during the third quarter. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM- 154 Principles of Chemistry or high school chemistry. (Fee: $30) CHEM-254 QuantitativeAnalysis- W 4 hours A study of·the theory, techniques, and calculations involved in gravimetric and volu– metric analysis of inorganic substances, Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-152 General Chemistry. (Fee: $30) CHEM-255 Analytical Chemistry-Sp 5 hours A continuation of Quantitative Analysis, with emphasis on instrumental analysis. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-254 Quantitative Analy– sis. (Fee: $30) CHEM-356 Biochemistry- Sp 5 hours A study of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleoproteins and their relationship to life and metabolic processes. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-357 Organic Chemistry. (Fee: $30) CHEM-357, 358, 359 Organic Chemistry I, ll, ill 4 hours winter quarter 5 hours autumn and spring quarters A detailed study of the general principles, aliphatics, aromatics, natural products, etc. Emphasis is placed on mechanism. Fall and Wmter Quarters: Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Spring Quarter: Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-152 General Chemistry. (Fee: $30) CHEM-450 Independent Study in Chemistry 1-4 hours Independent experimental study of some chemical phenomenon. (Fee: $5/hour) CHEM-451, 452, 453 Physical Chemistry I,ll, ill 4 hours autumn and winter quarters 3 hours spring quarter A study of the properties of chemical systems, including the fundamentals of thermody– namics. chemical dynamics, and quantum mechanics. Three lectures and one 3-hour labora– tory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-254 Quantitative Analysis or PHYS-273 General Phys- ics. (Fee: $30) (odd years) CHEM-454 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry- W 5 hours Modem concepts of the structure of matter, nature of the chemical bond, complex ions, and the periodic properties ofthe elements. Prerequisite: CHEM-254 QuantitativeAnalysis. (even years) CHEM-455 Topics in Chemistry 2-5 hours Topics of special interest are selected by the chemistry faculty from the areas of modem chemistry. May be repeated once for credit Prerequisite: CHEM-153 General Chemistry or equivalent and consent of instructor.