1991-1992 Academic Catalog
198 Social Sciences andHistory Minors Course requirements for a minor in history involve twenty-seven quarter hours including: HIST-111,112 United States History ..................................................... 10 HIST-201,202,203 History of Civilization ............................................ 12 Electives in history .................................................................................. 5 Course requirements for a minor in political science involve twenty-six quarter hours including: POLS-161 Introduction to Public Administration .................................... 4 POLS-261 American National Government ............................................ 5 Electives in political science .................................................................. 17 Course requirements for a minor in public administration involve twenty-seven quarter hours including: POLS-161 Introduction to Public Administration .................................... 4 POLS-261 American National Government ............................................ 5 POLS-462 Public Policy ........................................................................ 4 ECON-339 Public Finance ..................................................................... 4 MGMT-353 Personnel Management ...................................................... 4 Course requirements for a minor in sociology involve twenty-seven quar– ter hours including: SOC-230 Principles of Sociology ........................................................... 5 Electives in sociology ........................................................................... 22 "The College shaped my life, particularly in the spiritual realm. Yet unlike many Christian colleges, they didn't force-feed their preferences. They encouraged each of us to take the Scriptures, search out our positions, and develop our value systems." - John Krueger, a 1989 political science graduate, serves as press secretary for United States Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin. Departmental Courses GSS-100 Foundations ofSocial Science-A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours This course is designed to provide the student with a knowledge of some of the basic concepts in sociology, economics, and political science from a Christian-theistic perspective. Required of all students for general education. GSS-380 Methods ofTeaching Social Science- W 3 hours In this course an emphasis is placed upon the identification, examination, and implementa– tion of the methods and materials which are unique to the teaching of social sciences within both the secular and the Christian secondary school setting. GSS-381, 382, 383 Clinical Teaching in the Social Sciences -A, W, Sp 1 hour each A practical, on-campus, I credit hour experience in which a student is assigned to assist a college instructor in the preparation of tests and quizzes, in teaching, grading, research, and other teacher responsibilities. A student will be expected to participate for 22 clock hours for each quarter hour of credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. A student may arrange to do any one of the following with the director of this experience in his or her discipline: I. One 22-hour experience for three different quarters 2. A 44-hour experience for one quarter and a 22-hour experience for another quarter 3. A 66-hour experience for one quarter HIST-490 through POLS-493 Independent Study in Social Science 1-4 hours Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor IDST-490 History SOC-491 Sociology GE0-492 Geography POLS-493 Political Science GSS-499 Social Science/History .Internship 5-15 hours Majors who participate in government service, historical research, public administration, social work, or other approved activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 15 hours credit. The approval ofthe department is necessary for any proposed internship. Anthropology ANTH-180 CulturalAnthropology-W 5 hours An analysis of the concept and its importance for the study of man; an examination of various cultures of the world as they relate to technological. economic, social. political, and religious aspects ofthese cultures. Geography GE0-250 Introduction to Geography -A, Su 2 hours An introductory study of the discipline of geography and the major elements of the natural environment, with particular emphasis on their effect upon man and his activities. GE0-351 World Regional Geography-Western Hemisphere- W, Su 4 hours A spatial survey of various regions in the western hemisphere with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. Prerequisite: GE0-250 Introduction to Geography or permission of instructor.
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