1992-1993 Academic Catalog

"The distinct Christian atmosphere drew me to Cedarville. When I arrived on campus, I immediately felt like part of a family! The smiling faces helped create an encouraging atmosphere which was great for leaming and really enjoying college life." Emily Jagger, a sopho111ore ele111enta1y education major .fhm1 Coming, New York, leads a mi11ist1y to aids patients and gives tours to campus guests. "Cedarville has really helped me grow. My professors and .fi'iends have challenged me to reach my potential. The Bible classes have given me a basis for my beliefs. The e.1pectations here are much higher than the state university I attended. I know that /'II be better prepared." Priscilla Brown, a senior English education maior from Muncie, Indiana, has traveled with the Lifeline Players and competes 011 the forensics tea111. "!chose Cedarville because of' its strong science program and Christian emphasis. Having transferred .fi·om a secular university, I have noticed the impact of having good Christian friends. I've made .fi·iends with people .fi·o111 all aver the count!)'. They've beco111e some <!f' the most i111portant people in my life." From Parlin, New Jersey, Anthony Menendez, a senior biolagy llll(ior, plans to pursue a career in physical therapy.