1992-1993 Academic Catalog
One course from philosophy and theology: BEPH-222 History of Modern Philosophy ...... 5 BEPH-325 Philosophy of Religion . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BEPH-423 Contemporaiy Philosophy . . . . . . . . . 5 BEPT-245 Contemporary World Missions ...... 4 BETH-233 Bible Geography and Customs . . . . . . 5 BETH-333 Christian Evidences and Apologetics 3 One course from language and literature: LIT-231 World Literature .................. 5 SPAN-460 Topics Foreign Language-Latin Amer. 4 Additional required cognates: Elementary modern foreign language (or 2 yrs. of high school language) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Intermediate modern foreign language . . . . . . . . 9-15 *Satisfies the General Education requirement in social science **Satisfies the General Education requirement in history tSatisfies the General Education requirement of a humanities elective ttSatisfies the General Education requirement in literature International Studies Major-Social Science Concentration Curriculum Summary: Proficiency requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-8 Other General Education requirements . . . . . . . 61-66 International studies core requirements . . . . . . . . . 32 Social sciences and history requirements . . . . . 71-78 Re9u~red cofiates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30 Electives ............................. 0-20 Total (minimum, not including proficiency) 192-214 Interdisciplinary Studies 121 Suggested Four-.Year Curriculum for a International Studies First year: BNG:-110 English Composition L , , .. BNG-1,40 English Composition 11 '. .•. COM.-110 Fundamentals of Speech . .·.... BEGE~l7 l The Christian Life ..•.... ; ,, BBGE-172: Introduction to Bible Study • , . , GSS-WO Foundations ofSocial Sci!i)nce ... ; IWM-140 Introduc;tion to the Humanities ANTH~l80 cultural Anthropology ...• •. ·..· • PBF·l99 P.A.C.L.......... , •. ; ; ; .. ; . BUS-100 Bu.siness·Briefs or P;E. Mathematics elective ~ . . ....... ; •..• Science elective ; ......... , . . . p •••• Second year: BEGE-273 Old Testament Survey· ; BEGE-274 New Testament Survey BBPH-226 Religion & Ctilture , ..... HIST-203 History of Civilization . . . , .• , GE0~250 I11troductipn to Geography .. ; . . ' , , : • GEOc351 or 3,52 World Regional Geogrllphy . ; .• COM-314 Intercultural Communic!ltions ...•..• Literature elective ... , ..... , Language &/or concentration requiremeri~s. . Total ..... !' ...... "< • ,•' ..... " ... ,,. •• ,.. • Third year: BEGE-375 God and History . • . . . BEGE-376 God aud the Church ' .. BUS-291 International Business . ECON-3~5 Comparative Ec•::monuc SvF1terri~ POLS~365 Internatfonal Relations LING-311 Linguistics Mathematics or Electives .in major category 1 Electives . . . . . . . . . , . . ..••. , .. . . . . Total ,,. ... "'•. '•,•'• ... ,.,,, '•-. ,., , .... ~,:~ • •'• Travel abroad (summer or during the jr. Fourth year: Concentration requirements or .. 1.. 1 »•"''" Total .. , ... ,., . !I ", ..., ... , •••• ,. •• , •.•• •
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