1992-1993 Academic Catalog

134 Music Music The music major prepares students for positions as church musicians, teaching piano, graduate school, and performance. Emphases are available in church music, keyboard pedagogy, and performance. Course requirements involve seventy-one quarter hours in core requirements and from nine to twenty-five quarter hours in one of three areas of emphasis. Music core requirements .................. 70 CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting ......... 3 GMUS-100 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 GMUS-103 Prog. & Recital Attendance (each qtr.) . 0 HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature ...... 4 HLMU-331,332,333 Music History I,II,III ....... 9 PFMU- Ensemble Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PLMU- Private Performance ................ 12 PLMU-490 Senior Recital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 THMU-121,122,123 Theory I,II,III ............ 9 THMU-131,132,133 Aural Skills I,II,III ......... 6 THMU-224,225,226 Theory IV,V,VI .......... 10 THMU-234,235 Aural Skills IV,V ............. 2 THMU-314 Functional Keyboard Skills ......... 3 THMU-411 Form and Analysis ............... 3 THMU-413 Orchestration ................... 3 The church music emphasis prepares students for positions as church musicians. Emphasis course requirements involve completion of the music major core requirements and twenty-five quarter hours in church music including: CDMU-363 Choral Conducting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (or CDMU-362 Instrumental Conducting . . . . . . 3) CHMU-200 The Christian at Worship .......... 2 CHMU-203 Instrnmental Ensembles in the Church . 2 CHMU-204 Audio Resources for the Church ..... 2 CHMU-209 Introduction to Hymn Playing . . . . . . . 1 CHMU-250 Hymnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHMU-253 Song Leading .................. 2 CHMU-350 Plan. & Direct Church Music Ministry . 3 CHMU-353 Music Meth. & Mat. for Child. & Youth 3 CHMU-410 Church Music Practicum ........... 2 CLMU-286 Intermediate Voice Class ........... 2 Hf\.<·"-"'""'" ·......•.. 2 Cl;J~l.1J;;;1~~'MlJ$il,) MJefp, J;>, *" 8 "•~.><··"'--~ &Youth .. 3 •• i • ••••• 2 .•... ~· .•.. 0 . ;" •.•..••. ' •. 0