1992-1993 Academic Catalog

The keyboard pedagogy emphasis prepares students to teach piano. Professional certification may be obtained by completing these course requirements and applying for certification. Emphasis course requirements involve completion of the music major core requirements and twenty-five quarter hours in keyboard pedagogy including: KPMU-201 Keyboard Pedagogy I ............. 4 KPMU-202 Keyboard Pedagogy II ............ 4 KPMU-203 Keyboard Pedagogy III ............ 4 KPMU-311 Directed Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 KPMU-312 Directed Teaching ............... 1 KPMU-313 Directed Teaching ............... 1 KPMU-401 Class Piano Pedagogy ............. 1 KPMU-402 Studio Business Practice ........... 1 KPMU-403 Surv. of Adv. Pre-College Literature ... 1 KPMU-411 Directed Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 KPMU-412 Directed Teaching ............... 1 KPMU-413 Directed Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 THMU-322 Synthesizer Applications in Music .... 2 THMU-323 Computer Applications in Music ..... 2 Students learn ta integrate the latest technology into the production of music in the department's co111puter laborat01y coordinated by James Col111an. Music 135