1992-1993 Academic Catalog

138 Music Course requirements for the music education-– instrumental track involve one hundred and thirty-seven quarter hours including: CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting ......... 3 CDMU-362 Instrumental Conducting . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CLMU-186 Voice Class .................... 1 CLMU-286 Intermediate Voice Class ........... 2 EDMU-371 Music for the Elementary Teacher .... 4 EDMU-372 Music for the Secondary Teacher . . . . . 4 EDMU-374 Music for the Middle School . . . . . . . . 2 EDMU-377 Band Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 EDMU-378 Marching Band Practicum . . . . . . . . . . 1 EDMU-379 Instrument Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Instrumental methods (selected from) .......... IO EDMU-187 or 188 High or Low Brass Methods .. 2 EDMU-191 Woodwind Methods (Single Reed) ... 2 EDMU-192 Woodwind Methods (Double Reed) .. 2 EDMU-193 or 194 High or Low String Methods . 2 EDMU-195 Percussion Methods ............. 2 EDUC-100 Introduction to Education . . . . . . . . . . . 2 EDUC-101 Field Experience ................. 2 EDUC-102 Education of Exceptional Children . . . . 2 EDUC-200 Audio Visual Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 EDUC-201 Preliminary Student Involvement ..... 0 EDUC-300 Leamer & the Leaming Process ...... 4 EDUC-302 Teaching Thinking Skills . . . . . . . . . . . 2 *EDUC-305 Junior Practicum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 *EDUC-321 Philosophy of Education .......... 3 *EDUC-350 Reading in the Content Areas ....... 3 *EDUC-450 Supervised Stud. Teaching & Seminar 15 GMUS-100 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 GMUS-103 Recital & Prog. Attendance (each qtr.) . 0 HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature . . . . . . 4 HLMU-331,332,333 Music History I,II,III ....... 9 PFMU- Ensemble Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PLMU- Private Performance ................ 12 PLMU-490 Senior Recital ................... 1 THMU-121,122,123 Theory I,II,III ............ 9 THMU-131,132,133 Aural Skills I,II,III ......... 6 THMU-224,225,226 Theory IV,V,VI .......... 10 THMU-234,235 Aural Skills IV,V ............. 2 THMU-314 Functional Keyboard Skills ......... 3 THMU-413 Orchestration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 *Prerequisite is admission to the Teacher Education Program. sui~gei>ted Foor·Year for a Major in Education--InstrnmentaJ Track Firs/ year: BEGE~17l The Christian Life ...... , ........... . BEGE-172 Introduction to Bible Study ............. . COM-110 Fundamentals of Speech ·. , ........... , . ENG- ll 0 Composition 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . ENG-140 Composition II .................•. , . GMUS-!03 Program & Recital Attendance ......... . GMUS-100 Orientation ..................•...•.. HUMcl40 Introduction to the Humanities .......... . PEF-199 P.A.C.L ........................... ·• PFMU- Ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•., PLMU- Private Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . THMU-121,122,123 Theory r,rr,m .............. . THMU-131,132,133 Aural Skills I,II,III .. , ......... . P.E. elective ................... , ..... , ..•., . Total " "' .... ., , ........... - ......... , ..... ,., . ,,,,, • Second year: BEGE-273 Old Testament Survey ................ BEGE-274 New Testament Survey .........•...•... CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting ............. . CDMU-362 Instrumental Conducting .... , ........ . .EDMU-187 High Brass Methods ............ , .... . EPMU-191 Woodwind Methods (single reed) ......• , •. 2 EDMU-195 Percussion Methods . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDUC-200 Audio Visual Methods ............... :,. 1 EDUC-201 Preliminary Student Involvement ......... . EDUC-300 Learner & the Learning Prncess ......... . GMUS-103 Program & Recital Attendance .........•. GSS-100 Foundations of Social Science ........... . HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature .....•.• PFMU- Ensemble ........................... . PLMU- Private Lesson ...............•....... THMU-224,225,226 Theory JV,V,VI ............. . THMU-234.235 Aural Skills fV.V ................ . History elective ..........................•.. TotaJ ..................... , ................., ~ .. . Third year: BEGE-375 God and History ..................... 4 BEGE-376 God and the Church ................... 4 EDMU-188 Low Brass Methods ................ ; . EDMU-192 Woodwind Methods (double reed) ..... . EJ)MU-371 Musicfor Elementary Teachers .........• EDMU-372 Music for the Secondary Teacher ....•... ; EDMU-374 Music in the Middle School ........ ; . . 2 EDUC-100 Introduction to Education . . . . . , . . . . . . , •. EDUC-101 Field Experience .................... . EDUC-102. Education of Exceptional Children ..• , , .• .• EDUC-302 Teaching Thinking Skills , ............. . BDUC-~05 Junior Practicum . . . . . . .........•.•.. EDUC-350 Reading in the Content Area ..•....... !. GMUS-103 Program and Recital Attendance .•......•. HLMU-331,332,333 Music History UI,III ......... . PFMU- Ensemble ........................... . PLMU- Private Lessons ...................... , . THMU-314 Functional Keyboard Skills ............ , Total ••..•.•.• , •..••••........••••..••..• 53