1992-1993 Academic Catalog

142 Music Course Descriptions GMUS-100 Orientation--A 0 hours A basic introduction to the department of music--its philosophy, programs, and procedures. Required of all first-time music majors and minors. This course meets for two hours during college week. GMUS-103 Program and Recital Attendance--A,W,Sp 0 hours Music majors and minors are required to attend a prescribed number of artist series programs, general recitals, senior recitals and faculty recitals each quarter. The major must enroll each quarter until graduation. The minor is required to enroll for three consecutive quarters. GMUS-400 Music Seminar--A,W,Sp 2-5 hours For music majors. Some typical topics: 16th century counterpoint, folk music, intermediate composition practices. Prerequisites: Permission of the Music Department. HUM-140 Introduction to the Humanities--A,W,Sp,Su 5 hours An historical study of the relationship of music, art and literature to the dominant cultural, religious and philosophical trends and their relationship to Christian theism. HUM-242 Art Appreciation--W 4 hours An historical/stylistic survey of Western art viewed from a Christian theistic perspective. Satisfies the HUM-140 Introduction to Humanities requirement if combined with qualifying transfer work in music appreciation. May not be combined with HUM-243 to substitute for HUM-140. (odd years) HUM-243 Music Appreciation--W 4 hours An historical/stylistic survey of Western music viewed from a Christian theistic perspective. Satisfies the HUM-140 Introduction to Humanities requirement if combined with qualifying transfer work in art appreciation. May not be combined with HUM-242 to substitute for HUM-140. (even years) HUM-300 Trends and Styles in American Popular Music--Sp 4 hours Designed to help the student gain an appreciation and understanding of American popular music, to impart historical perspective on styles and trends, to clarify some of the impact popular music has on society, to increase general knowledge of and interest in music and to develop a basis for Christian discernment as it relates to participation in American popular music. This course does not satisfy the Introduction to the Humanities requirement. Church Music CHMU-200 The Christian At Worship--Sp 2 hours A study of worship as recorded in the Old and New Testament with primary emphasis upon individual and corporate worship in the contemporary fundamental church. Enrollment is open to students from all departments of the College. CHMU-203 Instrumental Ensembles in the Church--A 2 hours In a seminar setting the student is given an introduction to the importance of instrumental music in the church. The study of the development of small wind and brass ensembles, large ensemble, repertoire and the function of ensembles in worship and Christian education. (odd years) CHMU-204 Audio Resources for the Church--W 2 hours An overview of audio in relation to sound reinforcement and its use in the local church. Topics for study include: the basic sound chain, the mixing process, tape accompaniments, audio problems and trouble shooting. The course includes hands-on experience. CHMU-209 Introduction to Hymn Playing--W 1 hour Group instruction in essential hymn playing and accompanyinK skills including congregational-style improvisation, accompanying from the hymnal, sight reading and transposition. CHMU-250 Hymnology--W 3 hours An historical survey of Christian hymnology; consideration of criteria for judging texts and tunes with an emphasis upon their practical use in the worship service. (even years) CHMU-253 Song Leading--Sp 2 hours Presents an evaluation of Protestant church music, duties of and requirements for a song leader and experience in hymn conducting. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers.(odd years) CHMU-350 Planning and Directing the Church Music Ministry--W 3 hours An introduction to the methods and materials necessary for the effective planning and leading of all musical areas of church life. Recommended for future pastors and church workers. (odd years) CHMU-353 Music Methods and Material for Children and Youth--Sp 3 hours Presents a rationale and plan for the establishment of the graded music program in the local church, particularly the graded choir program with attention given to methods and materials used in the organization and maintenance of these groups. Includes field experience. Prerequisite: CHMU-350 Planning and Directing the Church Music Ministry. (odd years) CHMU-410 Church Music Practicum--A,W,Sp,Su 2 hours Two weeks in a local church gaining experience in the responsibilities of a Minister of Music under supervision of the Music Department faculty and/or the local Minister of Music. CHMU-499 Independent Study in Church Music--A,W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of the church music ministry for students who demonstrate special interest and ability. Conducting CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting--A 3 hours The basic technique of the conductor's art: score reading, conducting patterns, interpreting, cueing, rehearsal procedures and stylistic conceptualization. Prerequisite: THMU-121 Theory I or permission of instructor. CDMU-362 Instrumental Conducting--W 3 hours This course is designed to take the student beyond basic conducting techniques and present the special characteristics of instrumental conducting. The student will develop skills in rehearsal technique and score analysis while learning to conceptualize musical fundamentals such as tone, intonation, balance, rhythmic ensemble and interpretation. Prerequisite: CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting. CDMU-363 Choral Conducting--Sp 3 hours Continued development of the basic skills in conducting with particular application to choral techniques. Attention will be given to score reading, developing choral tone and effective enunciation. The class will include observation and discussion of rehearsal procedure, study of various periods and composers and the relationship of styles to the conductor's art, and laboratory performance practice. Prerequisite: CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting. CDMU-366 Choral Repertoire and Practicum--W 1 hour A reading laboratory for the purpose of surveying and evaluating choral literature for use in the church. The course includes practical conducting experience.