1992-1993 Academic Catalog
Personal Requirements Students wishing to apply for nursing at Cedarville College need a strong commitment to a Godly lifestyle and to learning ways to use nursing as a ministry for Christ. A strong college preparatory curriculum including four years of both mathematics and science provides the best academic preparation for the nursing major. Financial Aid Federal nursing student loans and nursing scholarships are available to qualified students. Students should consult the Financial Aid Office regarding all types of financial assistance. As a result of a nursing shortage, many hospitals have established tuition scholarship incentive programs to attract nurses. Students interested in these hospital-specific programs should contact the respective hospitals for details. Student Nurses Association The Student Nurses Association was formed in 1983 Membership is open to all nursing students. Licensed Nurses Desiring the B.S.N. The curriculum plan for R.N.'s and L.P.N.'s is individually designed on the basis of previous coursework. Please request R.N.-B.S.N. or L.P.N.-B.S.N. education information from the Department of Nursing. Information for transfer students is in another section of this catalog. Facilities for Clinical Activity All clinical activity is conducted under the supervision of Cedarville College Department of Nursing faculty. The program utilizes a number of community resources within thirty miles of the campus including public and private, large and small hospitals, health departments, mental health services, rehabilitation centers, clinics, homes for the aged, and physicians' offices. Students are responsible for transportation to and from clinical settings. Car pools are encouraged to help defray transportation costs. Nursing 147 Health Information Prior to the first clinical practice students must provide documentation of: 1. Complete physical examination 2. Rubella and Rubeola immunity 3. Negative Mantoux test or intermediate strength Tine test 4. History of Chickenpox or results of a Varicella titer 5. Childhood immunizations 6. Tetanus booster (within past 4 years) 7. Hepatitis B vaccine Uniforms/Equipment Each student must secure uniforms and name pins p1ior to the first clinical experience. Books and equipment needed in clinical settings will be purchased by the student. Nursing graduates obtain positions at some of the nation's best ho;71ita/s and medical centers. Beth Durr Wyand, a 1992 nursing graduate, works as a nurse at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland.
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