1992-1993 Academic Catalog
The health psychology emphasis focuses on understanding psychological influences on how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond when they do get ill. Special attention is given to stress management, relaxation, biofeedback, and the mind-body relationship. Course requirements include: PYCH-371 Adult Development and Aging ....... 4 PYCH-330 Health Psychology ........ , . . . . . . 4 PYCH-363 Psychological Measurement ......... 5 PYCH-367 Group Dynamics ................. 5 PYCH-372 Psychology of Personality .......... 4 PYCH-390 Physiological Psychology ........... 4 PYCH-431 Seminar in Health Psychology . . . . . . . 4 PYCH-499 Internship in Health Psychology .... 7-16 Recommended electives include: BI0-216,217 Human Anatomy & Physiology . . . . 10 BI0-306 Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PEH-300-308 Any three of these seminars ....... 6 PEH-250 Community Health Concepts .......... 3 PEM-390 Physiology of Exercise ............. 4 The industrial/organizational psychology emphasis studies human behavior in work settings and applies the principles of psychology to the workplace. Course requirements include: PYCH-363 Psychological Measurement ......... 5 PYCH-364 Industrial/Organizational Psychology ... 4 PYCH-367 Group Dynamics ................. 5 PYCH-463 Seminar in Industrial/Organ. Psych..... 4 PYCH-499 Internship in Industrial/Organ. Psych. 7-16 Electives in business or psychology . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Applied Psychology Major Curriculum Summary Proficiency requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-8 Other General Education requirements . . . . . . 80-102 Applied Psychology requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Electives ............................. 5-27 Total (minimum, not including proficiency) . . . . 192 Psychology 155 Suggested Four-Year Curriculum for a Major in Applied Psychology First vear: BEGE-17 l The Christian Life .................... 4 BEGE-172 Jntroductlon to Bible Study .............. 4 COM-110 Fundamentals of Speech ................ 5 ENG-110 English Composition I .................. 5 ENG-140 English Composition lI ................. 5 HUM-140 Introduction to the Humanities ............ 5 PEF-199 P.A.C.L...........................•. 2 PYCH-160 General Psychology ................... 5 PYCH- Developmental Psychology elective , .. ' . ; .... 4 Biology elective ........... ; ................ 5 History elective ....•.•...................... 5 P.E. elective ......•.•...•... ' .............. 1 Elective ........... , ...................... 4 Total .••..... , ..•..•.•.•....•.........• 53~54 Second \!ear: BEGE-i73. Old Testament Survey . , ............... 4 BEGE-274 New Testament Survey ................. 4 BEPH-220 Introduction to Phik)sophy .............. 5 ClS-100 Introduction to Computers ................ 2 COM-110 Fundamentals pf Speech ....... , ........ 5 GSS- I 00 Foundations of Social Science ............. 5 PYCH-261 Psychological Statistics ................ 5 PYCH-264 Abnormal Psychology .....•........... 5 PYCH-365 Psychology of Learning ................ 4 PYCH- Emphasis requirement ..................... 4 Literature elective ........................... 5 Physical science elective ....................... 5 Total .. , ....•..•..•.•.•.........•........ 53 Third year: BEGE~375 God and History . , ................... 4 BEGE~376 God and the Church .... , .............. 4 PYCH-369 Social Psychology .............. , ..... 5 PYCH~464 Literature Seminar ...................• 4 PYCH-499 Psychology Internship ... , ... , ....... 7-16 PYCH- Emphasis requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 SOC-230 Principles of Sociology .................. 5 Math or science eleGtive ....................... 5 Social science or history elective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Total .••.••....•. ; .••....•...•...•..•.• 48-58 Founb vear: PYCH-361 History & Systems of Psychology ..........5 PYCH~373 Psychological Research ................ 4 PYCH- Emphasis requirements .................. 15 Electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 28 Total •..•........•••..............•.•.... 51
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