1992-1993 Academic Catalog
grade point consistent with the requirements for graduation. The following illustrates the academic progress policy: Hours attempted 1-48 49-96 97-144 145-240 Completed (percent) 65% 70% 75% 80% Completed (credits/yr) 31 34 36 38 Completed (cum credits) 31 65 101 139 Minimum cum GPA 1.70 1.90 2.00 2.00 Satisfactory academic progress means that first-time students must, after a reasonable probationary period not to exceed two quarters except in cases of mitigating circumstances, have registered the minimum cumulative grade point average each quarter thereafter above. In addition these students must complete 65% or 3 ~ credit hours the first academic year, 70% or 34 credit hou~s (total of 65 credits) the second year, 75% or 36 credit ho~rs (total of 101 credits) the third year, 80% or 38 credit hours (total of 139 credits) the fourth year. NOTE: Cumulative grade point is measured each 9uarter; percentage of work or credit hours completed is measured once each academic year. It is assumed that the majority of students will graduate in the normal time frame. However, no student may continue more than five years in order to complete his/her academic program. Regardless of the credit hours a full-time student attempts, which cannot exceed 240, he/she must complete the percentage of work (credit hours) and have the appropriate cumulative grade point as stipulated. Aid recipients who fail to complete the required number of credit hours listed above during the applicable academic year and who do not meet the mini?1um grade point requirements each quarter will be considered as not making satisfactory academic progress. These students will be subject to having their federal aid discontinued unless there are mitigating circumstances involved that may affect a student's academic progress. Student~ who wit~draw from all courses during any quarter will be reqmred to confer with the financial aid office and other appropriate offices. If permitted to continue, students who withdraw from all courses during each quarter for two consecutive quarters will be considered as not making satisfactory academic progress and will be discontinued from receiving federal financial aid. In conjunction with school policy the grading marks F, I, and WF will not be considered as successful completion of courses attempted. Incomplete (I) grades can be considered when completed according to the provisions in the college catalog. Courses that are repeated will count in the calculation of hours attempted and completed hours earned if the student receives a passing grade; however, all grades received Financial Information 197 for the course will be included in the grade point calculation. Credit hours in which a (CR) has been earned count toward total graduation requirements but are not used in the computation of grade point averages. Non-credit hours for which an (NC) has been earned are not used in the computation of grade point averages. Repeat course credits earned are averaged into the cumulative grade point averages, however credit hours are counted only once. (AU) Audit, (W) Withdrawal (WP) Withdrawal Passing do not constitute hours ' attempted or completed. Summer school credit hours earned will be included in the academic year to which summer sessions are assigned. They will be evaluated the same as hours earned in regular quarter sessions. Part-time Students 'St~dents who enroll for less than a full-time basis (12 credit. hour.s pe: quarter) will receive proportionately less fmancial aid than a full-time student as dictated by lower school costs and federal regulations. Similar acade.mic progress requirements for full-time apply to part-time enrollment on a proportional basis. Financial aid will not be awarded to students who enroll for less than six hours of credit per quarter (half-time). Transfer Students Transfer students who have never attended Cedarville College will be treated as new students. After completion of the probationary period, the transfer credits plus the credits received at Cedarville College and the cumulative grade point earned will be the evaluating factors to determine if progress is evident, bas~d on the current satisfactory academic progress pohcy. How to Reestablish Eligibility When a student is denied aid because of lack of academic progress, additional courses at Cedarville must be taken at the student's own expense. This will be necessary until the minimum cumulative grade point average and the required minimum credit hours needed meet the academic progress criterion. In all cases, the student, upon completion of these requirements, must schedule an appointment with the Financial Aid Office to ~etermine his/her future eligibility for federal assistance. Method for Appeal Students who have been discontinued from financial aid. ~ave. a right to ~ppeal and can do so by written notification to the director of student financial aid. All appeals must include substantive reasons for failure to
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