1992-1993 Academic Catalog
Some academic programs have stricter academic progress requirements than are listed above. Students should check academic depaitment sections of the catalog for the specific grade point requirements of their majors. Students who are not in good academic standing will be notified by the Academic Vice President of their standing. First-quarter freshmen who do not meet the 1.00 average will not be academically suspended in order to provide some time for them to make the adjustment to college life. Any student who does not meet the minimum cumulative grade point average required for academic probation will be suspended for at least one quarter. Any student on academic probation for two successive quarters is subject to academic suspension. The academic vice president may make exceptions to the academic progress guidelines when appropriate. A student suspended for academic reasons may apply for readmission during any quarter in the regular academic year following the quarter of suspension. Faculty members and other counselors are available to discuss student progress. The student expetiencing academic difficulty should utilize these personnel to help find solutions to academic problems. Students on academic warning or probation may be required to take a special study skills course as a condition for continuing at the College. Academic warning may preclude involvement in certain college activities. Students facing academic warning or probation should consult with the coaches, advisors, or directors of their activities to learn of academic requirements or restrictions that may apply to those activities. Academic progress influences the receiving of financial aid. Students receiving aid should check the financial aid section of the catalog to obtain the academic progress requirements that pertain to their particular aid programs. Repeating Courses Some new students experience difficulty adjusting to academic life at the College. Consequently, if a freshman repeats a course in which a grade of "D" or "F" was earned before the end of the sophomore year, the cumulative grade point average will be recalculated using the second grade instead of the first. If a transfer student receives a grade of "D" or "F" in a course during the first quarter of study at the College and repeats that course within the succeeding three regular quarters, the cumulative grade point average will be recalculated using the second grade instead of the first. In both cases, however, the first grade will be retained on the transcript. Academic Information 45 Any courses may be repeated. However, repeated courses are listed again on the transcript and used to calculate cumulative averages. The credit hours for each repeated course count only once toward the credits needed for graduation. Credit/No Credit Program The grade designation "Credit/No Credit" may be assigned by faculty members in courses such as student teaching, laboratories, independent studies, electives, and one-hour courses in physical education and music. The opportunity to take elective courses on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) basis offers students the opportunity to develop background in new areas of study without threatening cumulative grade point averages. The following guidelines govern involvement in the program: 1. A student of any classification may choose to earn Credit/No Credit or a letter grade in one quarter hour non-major physical education courses. This choice may be made at the end of the quarter. 2. To earn credit, a student must maintain an average of "C" or better in the course. 3. A student must be at least a junior in classification (have earned at least 90 quarter hours) in order to take an elective course on a Credit/No Credit basis. An elective is a course which will not count toward the student's general education, major, minor, or cognate requirements. 4. A student may take just one elective course per term under the Credit/No Credit designation. 5. The total number of courses (other than one-hour physical education courses) which may be taken under the Credit/No Credit designation is determined by the student's cumulative grade point average: 2. 0 - 2.49 one course 2.5 - 2.99 two courses 3.0 - 3.49 four courses 3,5 and above six courses 6. A student taking an elective course who wishes to change from the Credit/No Credit designation to the regular grading designation must do so before the end of the fourth week of the quarter. 7. A student who wishes to change an elective course to the Credit/No Credit designation must do so before the end of the first full calendar week of the quarter.
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