1992-1993 Academic Catalog
78 Communication Arts Broadcasting Broadcasting is offered as an interdisciplinary major in the department. The combination of courses is designed to reflect the broad areas of knowledge necessary for those pursuing careers in mass communications. The major is paraprofessional in nature and attempts to produce a balance between the practical and theoretical aspects of ?roadcasting.' Cedarville graduates have excelled m broadcastmg and related careers. Course requirements involve seventy quarter hours including 38 quarter hours of c~re. co~rses and 3~ quarter hours in an area of speciahzat10n or electives approved by the department chaiiman. Internships, though strongly recommended, are dependent upon availability and placement. Broadcasting core requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 COM-331 Communication in the Information Age . 3 RTV-101 Introduction to Broadcasting .......... 3 RTV-102 Audio Control Techniques ........... 2 RTV-103 Broadcast Program Production ........ 4 RTV-104 Broadcast Announcing .............. 4 RTV-201 Academic Research ................ 2 RTV-212 Writing for the Electronic Media ....... 3 RTV-301 Broadcast Research Systems .......... 3 RTV-341 Issues and Ethics in Electronic Media ... 3 RTV-401 Mass Media Law and Regulation ...... 4 RTV-402 Seminar in Religious Broadcasting ..... 3 RTV-407 Internship ..................... 8-15 (or RTV-408 Independent Study ........... 4-8) Specializations, selected by the end of the sophomore year, include: Broadcast management/sales Broadcast production Video media production Broadcast management/sales prepares students for the business aspects of broadcasting by utilizing additional coursework in broadcasting and business administration. Course requirements include: Broadcast management/sales requirements ...... 32 ACCT-211 Principles of Accounting ........... 5 CIS-100 Introduction to Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 COM-323 Organizational Communication ....... 3 COM-406 Leadership ...................... 4 ECON-231 Macroeconomics ................. 4 RTV-260 Broadcast Clinic .......... (minimum) 2 RTV-331 Broadcast Advertising & Sales ........ 4 RTV-361 Advanced Broadcast Clinic ... (minimum) 2 RTV-431 Broadcast Management ............. 3 Electives (selected from the following) . . . . . . . . . . 6 BEPH-225 Ethics ......................... 5 BEPH-322 Logic ......................... 5 BUS-211,212 Statistics I,II .................. 3 BUS-216 Business Communications ........... 3 COM-323 Organizational Communication ....... 3 MGMT-350 Prin. of Organization & Management .. 4 MGMT-351 Small Business Management ........ 4 MGMT-353 Human Resources Management ...... 4 MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing ............ 4 MRKT-361 Sales Management ............... 4 MRKT-366 Principles of Advertising ........... 4 PYCH-160 General Psychology ............... 5 PYCH-261 Psychology Statistics .............. 5 PYCH-363 Psychological Measurement . . . . . . . . . 5 Broadcast production is designed for the student planning "on-air" or production work in radio or television. This emphasis includes additional coursework in broadcasting as well as courses from the other areas of communication arts. Course requirements include: Broadcast production requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 32 COM-141 Introduction to Dramatic Art ......... 3 COM-232 Theories of Mass Media ............ 5 COM-241 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation .... 5 RTV-221 TV Production ................... 4 RTV-260 Broadcast Clinic .................. 5 RTV-310 Advanced Audio Production .......... 4 RTV-361 Advanced Broadcast Clinic ... (minimum) 2 Electives (selectedfrom) .................... 6 BEPH-225 Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 BEPH-322 Logic ......................... 5 CHMU-354 Hymnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 COM-200 Persuasive Theory ................ 5 COM-243 Principles of Acting ............... 3 COM-324 Interpersonal Communication ......... 5 COM-325 Interviewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 COM-343 Principles of Play Directing . . . . . . . . . . 4 ENG-223 Advanced Composition ............. 3 ENG-302 Creative Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
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