1992-1993 Academic Catalog
80 Communication Arts Communication Arts The communication arts major prepares students for careers in public relations, personnel management, consultancy programs, media communications, and corporate executive training. Be~au~e of t~e . importance of excellent commumcat10n skills m many professions, this major has also been chosen by those pursuing careers in sales or politics. It also serves as excellent undergraduate preparation for those planning additional graduate professional training such as law, theology, and business. Course requirements involve fifty-five quarter hours including 31 hours in core requirements and 24 .hours in an area of specialization chosen with the advice of the student's academic advisor. The core requirements involve thirty-one quarter hours including: COM-200 Persuasive Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 COM-210 Advanced Public Speaking .......... 5 COM-222 Research in Communication ......... 4 COM-324 Interpersonal Communication ......... 3 COM-331 Communication in the Information Age . 3 COM-411 History of Public Address ........... 5 COM-462 or COM-463 Senior Project .......... 6 Specializations, selected by the end of the sophomore year, include: General communications Organizational communications Platform arts communications Specialization requirements may be adjusted to the needs of individual students with the written permission of the department chairman. General communications specialization requirements . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 COM-123 Voice and Diction ................ 3 COM-205 Philosophy of Communication ........ 4 COM-223 Group Discussion ................. 3 COM-232 Theories of Mass Media ............ 5 COM-312 Argumentation and Debate .......... 5 COM-313 Rhetorical Criticism ............... 5 COM-431 Communication Internship ......... 5-15 COM-461 Communication Ethics ............. 3 COM-471 through COM-476 Independent Study .. 1-4 Cedarville forensics (intercollegiate speech) teams have defeated large universities like Ohio State and Miami University to capture the state title the last 3 years in a row.
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