1992-1993 Academic Catalog
100 Engineering Electrical Engineering Course requirements may be adjusted by the department chairman. Course requirements involve one hundred and one quarter hours including: ENGR-101 Introduction to Engineering Design 3 ENGR-102 Introductory Design Project . . . . . . . . . 2 ENGR-171 Computer Aided Design ........... 3 ENGR-201 Circuits I ...................... 4 ENGR-221 FORTRAN Programming ........... 4 ENGR-274 Mechanics I - Statics and Strength .... 5 ENGR-275 Mechanics II - Dynamics ........... 5 ENGR-301 Circuits II ..................... 4 ENGR-311 Electronics I .................... 5 ENGR-312 Electronics II ................... 4 ENGR-315 Digital Logic Design .............. 4 ENGR-316 Microprocessors ................. 4 ENGR-318 Linear Systems .................. 5 ENGR-321 Electronics Laboratory I ........... 1 ENGR-322 Electronics Laboratory II ........... 2 ENGR-333 Electromagnetics ................. 4 ENGR-337 Principles of Automatic Control ...... 4 ENGR-351 Thermodynamics I ............... 4 ENGR-421 Electrical Design ................. 4 ENGR-422 Electrical Design Laboratory ........ 4 ENGR-432 Communications Theory ........... 4 ENGR-433 "C" Programming ................ 4 ENGR-480 Professional Ethics ............... 4 ENGR-495 Senior seminar .................. 1 Engineering Design electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Engineering electives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Additional required cognates include: CHEM-158 Chemistry for Engineers ........... 5 *MATH-281,282,283 Anal. Geo. & Cale. I,II,III .. 15 MATH-387 Differential Equations ............. 5 MATH-388 Advanced Calculus I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 **PHYS-271,272,273 General Physics I,II,III .... 15 tMath elective ........................... 5 *satisfies the Gen. Educ. requirement in mathematics **satisfies the Gen. Educ. requirement in physical science tmust be ENGR-320 Probability & Random Processes for Engineers, MATH-389 Advanced Calculus II or MATH-354 Discrete Math with advisor's permission. Electrical Engineering Major Curriculum Summary Proficiency requirements .................. 0-8 tOther General Education requirements . . . . . . . . 66 Electrical Engineering requirements . . . . . . . . . . 101 Additional required cognates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Total (minimum, not including proficiency) ... 217 tENG-110 Composition I must be taken unless the student is exempted or passes a proficiency test. (additional 5 hours of credit.) Fi(st year: BEGE-111 .The Chrlstian ·Life BEl.'.JE-172 Introductioo to CHEM-158 Chemistry COM-110 Fundamentals of ENGR-JOI Introduction .to En: 1rim:eri 1011: '-''""'"'"····· ENGR-102 lntro(iuctory Design ENGR-171 Computer Aided De11ign ENGR-2?.l FORTRAN Programming MATH-281;282,283Calculus1,lI,In PEF-199 Ji.A;.C.L. \ . '. '. '. ... , . PHYS~27 I .General Physics P£ elective ··. , • . . . . . ·. Total ............. · Second year: BEGE-273 Old Testament BEOE-274 Testament ENG-140 Composition If .............•••. ENGR-201 Circuits I .................... . ENGR-274 Mechanics I - and Strength .. ENOR-275 Mechanics II - Dynamics • . . . •· . > • J-[UM-140 Introduction to the Humanities ........ . MATH-388 Advanced Caluc1,1Jus I .........· MATH·387 Differential Equations ...... , .. Physics II,Ill ............... . ·Matti elective ..... , .. , .. ; .•.............. ·. Total ......... ,, ..,. ~ ..,... ,, .. "' .. ~ ; . Third year: BEGE-375 God and History .. , .. , .... , ...• BEGE.376 God anci the Church . . .. ENGR·301 Circuits II .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ENGR-311,312 Electronics I,Il '. ............... . ENGR-315 Digital Logic ENGR-316 Microprocessors , .•................ ; . ENGR-31 8 Linear .Systems . . . . . . . . . . . • . ENGR·32 I,322 Electronics Lab IJI •..... , ..•.....•. ENGR·333 Electromagnetics .............. '. . , . ·• History elective . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . Literature elective ........·.. ; . , , ... . Social Science .. , . • . . . . • Fourth vear: ENGR-337 Principles of Automatic Control ...... . ENGR-351 Thermodynamics I ... . ENGR-421 Electrical Design ....... , ........ ·•. ENGR-422 Electrical Design Lab .......... , .....• ENGR-432 Communicati()ns Tlleory ....• ·. ENGR-433 "C" Programming . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGR-480 Professional Ethics . . . . . ... , ... , .•. ENGR495 Senior Seminar .................. , .... GSS.100 Foundations of Social Biology elective .................... , . , ...•. Engineering elective ......................... . Engineering Design elective . , ...... ; .·......... . Total . . . . . ....... ,. "' ........ ~ ~ ....... .,, . ,., .. ..
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