1993-1994 Academic Catalog

Departmental Courses GSS-100 Foundations of Social Science--A,W,Sp,Su 5 hours This course is designed to provide the student with a knowledge of some of the basic concepts in sociology, economics, and political science from a Christian-theistic perspective. Required of all students for general education. GSS-380 Methods of Teaching Social Science--W 3 hours In this course an emphasis is placed upon the identification, examination, and implementation of the methods and materials which are unique to the teaching of social sciences within both the secular and the Christian secondary school setting. GSS-381,382,383 Clinical Teaching in the Social Sciences-- A,W,Sp 1 hour each A practical, on-campus, 1 credit hour experience in which a student is assigned to assist a college instructor in the preparation of tests and quizzes, in teaching, grading, research, and other teacher responsibilities. A student will be expected to participate for 22 clock hours for each quarter hour of credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. A student may arrange to do any one of the following with the director of this experience in his or her discipline: 1. One 22-hour experience for three different quarters 2. A 44-hour experience for one quarter and a 22-hour experience for another quarter 3. A 66-hour experience for one quarter IDST-490 through PUAD-497 Independent Study in Social Science 1-4 hours Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor ANTH-494 Anthropology CRJU-496 Criminal Justice GE0-492 Geography IDST-490 History POLS-493 Political Science PUAD-497 Public Administration SOC-491 Sociology SWK-495 Social Work GSS-499 Social Science/History Internship 5-15 hours Majors who participate in government service, historical research, public administration, social work, or other approved activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 15 hours credit. The approval of the department is necessary for any proposed intern– ship. Anthropology ANTH-f80CulturalAnthropology--W 5 hours An analysis of the concept and its importance for the study of man; an examination of various cultures of the world as they relate to technological, economic, social, political, and religious aspects of these cultures. CRJU-131 Introduction to CriminalJustice--A 5 hours . An intr~duction to the discipline and institutions of criminal justice m the Umted States. Law enforcement, the courts, and corrections will be recognized in an open systems sense as interacting and interdependent institutions. On occasion timely issues will be considered as they relate to criminal justice agencies. CRJU-220 Criminology--W 4 hours A study of the nature and cause of crime with emphasis upon methods of prevention and treatment. CRJU-231 Juvenile Delinquency--Sp 4 hours A study and assessment of causal theory and problems of correction and prevention of delinquency. CRJU-232 Casework--Sp 5 hours An introduction to the general principles and methods of casework employed in various types of agencies. Special attention will be given to interviewing skills, case management, intervention strategies, and the referral process. CRJU-330 Corrections--W 5 hours An in-depth consideration of probation, penology, and community supervision sectors of the field of criminal justice. CRJU-336 Judicial Process--Sp 3 hours A study of the American judicial system, its development, contemporary character, and the effect of the legal system on the American citizen. Actual observations of the judicial process are included. CRJU-367 Research Methodology--A j, hours In the presentation of the scientific method of research, particular emphasis will be placed upon hypothesis formation, questionnaire design and administration, sampling, interviewing and daJ;:a/ collection. /// CRJU-368 Data Analysis--W . 3/5 hours The basic concepts of descriptive and inductive statistics are presented for the purpose of analysis of data sets. Among the concepts emphasized are levels of analysis, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, correlation, simple tests of significance and linear regression. The course will utilize a major statistical software program to familiarize the students with the power of the computer in data analysis. Prerequisite: CRJU-367 Research Methodology. CRJU-420 Police Administration--A 5 hours This course will focus on the various responsibilities of police agencies. An emphasis will be placed upon the administrator of a law enforcement organization as one of many competing public sector officials. Prerequisite: CRJU-220 Criminology. CRJU-433 Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice--Sp 5 hours An analysis of key issues currently influencing the criminal justice system. The course will review cases pending in U.S. courts and the historical context from which these controversies emerged. CRJU-460 Seminar in Criminal Justice 1--W 1 hour CRJU-461 Seminar in Criminal Justice H--Sp 4 hours A capstone, two-quarter experience for criminal justice majors which involves the research of issues related to the administration of justice in the United States from a normative and/or empirical perspective. Findings research in CRJU 460 are presented and discussed in CRJU 461. lnltrrnrlm:tio1n to Geog.raphy--A,W,Su 2 hours An introductory study of the discipline of geography and the major elements of the natural environment, with particular emphasis on their effect upon man and his activities. GE0-321 Historical and Political of East Asia--A 4 hours A study of the historical, political, geographical, social, and diplomatic developments of East Asia from the 18th century to the present. May be counted as either history, political science, or geography credit. GE0-322 The Middle East: and Politics--Sp 4 hours An analysis of the major historical, political, geographical, and social forces, such as religion and nationalism, that have shaped the contemporary Middle Eastern states. May be counted as either history, political science, or geography credit. GE0-351 World Geography--Westem Hemi~iph,ere --W,Su 4 hours A spatial survey of various regions in the western hemisphere with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political develop– ments in relation to the geographical environment. Prerequisite: GE0-250 Introduction to Geography or permission of instructor.