1993-1994 Academic Catalog

Several churches in the area surrounding the College invite students to work as leaders in their AWANA programs. Students work with all age groups. A division of the Swordbearers, extension teams go to the same church each week throughout the school year to assist in a variety of ministries ranging from nursery work to teaching and songleading. The College strongly encourages students to become involved in the church of their choice and make it their Christian ministry. Students should contact the pasto– ral staff of the church for information concerning possible involvement. Some churches may require church membership or watchcare membership. Students with musical talents find a variety of minis– tries available to them. Team audition times will be announced. A ten-member mixed group of eight singers, a pianist, and a sound technician, this group travels during the school year and for a ten-week summer tour. Team members receive a salary. Kingsmen A six-member group of four singers, a pianist, and a sound technician, this group travels during the school · year, spring break, and the summer for ten weeks. Team members receive a salary. A twelve-member mixed group of singers, keyboard accompanists, and a sound technician, this group travels during the school year and the summer for ten weeks. Team members receive a salary. Spring ~ui·111r1r11in.g:i.grg:i.r~ A twelve-member mixed group of singers, keyboard accompanist, and a sound technician, this group travels during the school year and over spring break. Team members receive a salary. Soloists and Groups Students provide special music on and off campus at banquets, organizational functions, and special church meetings. Those interested in this type of ministry should contact the Christian ministry office for details concerning try-outs and specific opportunities. All students participate in Christian ministries volun– tarily. As a result of this and the large number of ministries available, deciding which way to serve can seem overwhelming. In selecting a ministry, students should apply the following: 1) Consider your interests. Select a ministry that allows you to do something you enjoy doing. 2) Consider your vocational goals. There are many ministries that are directly related to the majors offered at Cedarville College. A Christian Ministry related to your chosen fleld can help you decide if you have made the right choice, and in some cases may lead to an internship, reference, or employment. 3) Talk with upperclassmen. Find someone who has been involved in the ministry you are consider ing. 4) Talk with the Christian Ministries staff. The Christian Ministries Department is located in the Chapel and its staff are available to answer any questions that you might have. 5) Attend meetings. There will be traveling team auditions and organizational meetings during the first two weeks of fall quarter. Watch carefully for instructions on how to get involved. 1) The Christian ministries program at Cedarville College is a volunteer program. All students are encouraged to participate in Christian ministries on a regular basis during their college experience. 2) At the end of each quarter, each student is required to complete an "End of the Quarter Report" form. This form is used to record on each student's permanent file their current area of ministry involvement. It should be completed even if a student had not been involved in a ministry that quarter. 3) Any ministry approved or offered through the Christian ministries department (or through your local church) qualifies as a Christian ministry. If a student is involved in a ministry outside of the Christian ministries department, it should be reported on the "End of the Quarter Report."