1993-1994 Academic Catalog

BEPT-456 Advanced Homiletics--W 4 hours An advanced study of sermon structure development and effective delivery. The course is designed to give the student practice in the outlining, writing, delivering, and evaluating of sermons for different types of preaching situations. Prerequisite: BEPT-350 Homiletics. Bible Geography and Customs--Sp 5 hours A geographical survey of the Bible lands with stress upon the topography and cultural distinctives in their historical context. (even years) BETH-332 Biblical Interpretation--W 3 hours A detailed study of the basic principles of Bible interpretation. BETH-333 Christian Evidences and Apologetics--A 3 hours A study of the basis for and the nature of the evidences for Christianity. Stress is placed on the idea of Biblical revelation and its use in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. BETH-335 Bibliology and Theology Proper--W 4 hours A study of bibliology, the doctrine of the Scriptures, with emphasis upon its revelation, inspiration, canonicity, and illumina– tion; and theology proper, the doctrine of the being of God, with attention given to His existence, attributes, trinitarian relationships, and decrees. (odd years) BETH-336 Angelology and Anthropology--Sp 4 hours A study of angelology, the doctrine of the unfallen angels, the fallen angels, and Satan; and anthropology, the doctrine of man, with stress on his creation, constitution, fall, and sinful condition. (odd years) BETH-437 Soteriology and Christology--A 4 hours A study of soteriology, the doctrine of salvation, including election, the atonement, and eternal security; and Christology, the doctrine of Christ, with emphasis upon His deity, humanity, and redemptive work. (even years) BETH-438 and Ecclesiology--W 4 hours A study of pneumatology, the doctrine of the person and work of the Holy Spirit; and ecclesiology, the doctrine of the church, with stress upon both the universal church and the local church. (odd years) BETH-439 Eschatology--Sp 4 hours A study of eschatology, the doctrine of last things, with attention given to the rapture of the church, the tribulation, the millennium, the eternal state, and the distinctives of dispensationalism. (even years) BETH-440 Independent Study in Bible--A,W, Sp, Su 1-4 hours The student will investigate a significant topic or Scripture passage of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. Bible professors utilize CedarNet extensively. Professor Chris Miller has developed interactive computer Bible programs to help his students learn the Old Testament.