1993-1994 Academic Catalog

MGMT-453 Industrial Relations Management--Sp 4 hours A study of the interplay between market forces and institutional rules which determine the employment relationship. Labor history, the effects of changing public policies, trade unions, collective bargaining are viewed from various international perspectives. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management. nunc11~1es ofMarketing--A,W,Sp hours Introduction and survey of the marketing function in the business environment. Course work will cover the basic components of product, price, promotion, and distribution as well as more dynamic topics dealing with consumers, organizations, service, nonprofit, and international markets. MRKT-361 Sales Management--A hours Principles employed by business firms in the administration and strategy of a sales force. Factors involved in the organization of the sales force: recruiting and selection, training, compensation, motivating, and controlling. Prerequisites: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management, MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-363 Marketing Research--W 4 hours Role of market research in marketing development. Decision making in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Determination of hypotheses. Planning research designs: survey, observational, experimental, and simulation. Execution of survey design: questionnaire construction, sample design, interviewing, tabulation, analysis, interpretation of results, and presentation. Prerequisites: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing, BUS-212 Statistics. MRKT-365 Consumer Behavior--A hours Introduction to the psychological, sociological, cultural, and economic determinants of consumer behavior. Emphasis on exploration and discussion of various concepts and theories for the purpose of building understanding and of providing an exposure to a variety of viewpoints. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-366 Principles of Advertising--W 4 hours Advertising as a tool in marketing management. Decision-making relative to market analysis. Media selection, budgeting, production and layout, and measurement of effectiveness. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing or permission of instructor. MRKT-367 Industrial Marketing--Sp 4 hours A study of the industrial market sector which includes buying behavior, applied demand analysis, and segmentation techniques. Designed to provide the student with decision-making capabilities for use in the industrial setting. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Prin– ciples of Marketing. (alternate years) MRKT-368 Nonprofit Marketing--Sp 4 hours The course is designed to acquaint the student with skills, abilities and attitudes necessary in order to effectively implement marketing practice in nonprofit organizations. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing or permission of instructor. (alternate years) MRKT-460 MarketingManagement--W 4 hours The marketing function relative to product development, promo– tion, pricing, physical distribution, and the determination of marketing objectives within the framework of the marketing system and available markets. Prerequisites: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management, MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-461 Strategy--Sp hours Computer simulation will be used to acquaint the senior marketing student in a realistic fashion to a variety of marketing situations and allow "hands-on" solutions to be implemented and tested. Prereq– uisites: Senior standing and sixteen hours of marketing including MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-462 International Marketing--Sp 4 hours An intensive investigation of the problems, regulations, and challenges facing U.S. manufacturers seeking to expand their markets to countries abroad. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles CedarNet, which provides 24-hour computer access to students right in their dormitory rooms, is revolutionizing the way students learn and complete assignments.