1993-1994 Academic Catalog
EDSP-333 Instructional Motivation Behavior M~maee1nen1t of Exceptional Individuals hours Leaming theory, motivation, and behavioral approaches to management of the social and academic behavior of technique for exceptional individuals. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program or consent of instructor. Prerequisite: Admis– sion to Teacher Education Program or consent of instructor. EDSP-431 Assessment Children 4 hours Course will aid students in learning to administer and interpret formal and informal educational assessment and communicate this assessment data to parents and colleagues. Prerequisite: PYCH- 461 · PYCH-363. Communication and Collaboration Skills for Education Techniques of collaboration, consultation needed to enhance communication with exceptional individuals, parents, educational team members, and other professionals. Prerequisite: EDSP-431 or concurrent enrollment. EDSP-451 Special Education Student 15 hours Directed teaching in area schools in specific learning disability, severe behavioral handicapped, and developmentally handicapped settings. Ten full weeks required for one or two specializations. Prerequisite: All required education courses. EDSP-465 Methods and Materials for Exceptional 3 hours Introduction to the curriculum and intervention strategies and types of instructional materials and educational technology used with students with mild to moderate handicapping conditions. Prerequisite: Completion of Methods I and II. Student teachers receive regular input from both their Cedarville professor and their supervising classroom teacher.
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