1994-1995 Academic Catalog
10 Computer Information Network Con1puter Information Network The Ct1lleoe rec e:11ize that tudent n1u t live and ~ .... ,v rk i11 a ·o iet}' where c mputer a11d computer net\V rk are an e e11tial part of everyday life. To equip rudent .. to fu11ction effectively in thi environ– n1e11t. Cedarville l1a developed and lau11ched Cedar et . the can1pu -wide computer infor1nation net\vork. tilizing hardware and initial technical upport provided by JBM, thi network promi e to re\ olutionize the ,vay the tudent receive , end, manipulate. and proce information . Benefits Student u ing the network can: ...... • take note and write paper more efficiently • make written a ignment look better and communicate more effectively • communicate electronically with their profe or friend , and cla mate , or other around the world • manage, di play and analyze data by u ing data ba e. tati tical, and pread heet oftware • complete pecial a ignment which make pecific u e of network feature • earch library holding for per onal and cla re earch project paper or pre entation even when the library i clo ed • enhance per onal Bible tudy • create illu tration for cla , per onal or mini try pre entation • master cour e content or kill through individual, elf-paced tudy • learn kill which will help them do better a a rodent and obtain a better job upon graduation Equipment The network feature IBM 386SX, 486SX or 486DX microcomputer with a 3. 5"floppy di k drive, 4 MB or more RAM, a hard di k drive, SVGA color monitor , and MIDI capable ound board. In addition each networked re idence hall room contain a 24-pin dot matrix near letter quality printer . All laboratorie offer la er printer fo r high quality, final draft . The library computer laboratory feature a flat-bed canner for canning color image and a color printer for printing color document , overheads, and 35mn1 lide . CedarNet personal co111p11ters loca1ed in nearly every residence hall room enable students to use nenvork resources 24 hours a day. Access Acee i the key to any effective information system. The network i de igned to provide both the hardware and oftware that member of the college fami ly needs to obtain and u e information. Nearly all tudent living in a re idence hall enjoy the benefit of 24-hour acce to the network. The resi– dence hall that are on the network include: Brock, Carr, Faith, Lawlor, Maddox Mar hall, Palmer Printy, Roger and Willett Hall . To enable all tudent to take advantage of the net– work the public laboratories, with a total of 90 sta– tions , are conveniently open to the students.
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