1994-1995 Academic Catalog
100 Engineering Course Descriptions ENGR-101 Introduction to Engineering Design--A 3 hours Introduction lo the ba~ic concept and kill nece. sary for . effective functtonino a a Chri tian engineer 1n a diverse society: participation in gro~p activities ~nd field trip~: de~ign _I?roblems. introducing the profe ion ~nd ht tory. of ~ngineern~g: 1n~roductton co ethical and n1oraJ issue 1n the application of eng1neer1ng . principle ·: and computer application rncluding word proce~sing, pread ·heec . and TK Solver. Three lectures and one 90-n11nute laboratory per v.•eek. All tudents are ~equired to coi:nplete a de ign project. De ign project and various lab exercises. (Fee: $20) ENGR-171 Computer Aided Design--A, W. Sp 3 hours U e and operation of a microcom~uter s~s.tem ~ith Al;lto~ad 12 oftware: ba ic techniques of drawing, ed1t1ng, d1m.ensi<?nrn~, 1nultiple view . ectioning, multiview projections, p1ctor1al views. two- and three-dimen ional n1odeling. One hour lecture and a three-hour laboratory per week . (Fee: $20) ENGR-191 Digital Logic Design--Sp 4 hours Fundamentals of digital logic design, number systef!}s, ~oolean Algebra. Karnaugh maps, logic gate networks, ~omb1nat1ona.l network de ign. flip flops, counters, stat~ machine.s, s~quent1al networks: introduction to computer architecture; circuits. are designed in class and then bread-boarded and evaluated in the laboratory. Three lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $20) ENGR-201 Circuits 1--Sp . 4 hours Ba ic Circuit analysis using Ohm's .law, Kirchoffs laY's, rndepen– dent and dependent sources, Thevenin and Norton equ1valency, DELTA-WYE and WYE-DELTA transformations; resistor, capacitor and inductor re pons~s in R.C and RL circuits: int~odu~– tion to AC circuits: computer simulations and bread-board c1rcu1ts are de igned and tested. Three lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. De ign project. Prerequisites: PHYS-272 General Physics II , MATH-387 Differential Equations. (Fee: $20) ENGR-221 FORTRAN Programming--Sp 3 hours Introduction to computer programming ~ec~ques using FOR– TRAN 77. application to science and eng1neer1n~ problems. Prerequisites: Familiarity with algebraic expressions. ENGR-250 Numerical l\Jlethods in Engineering--Sp 4 hours Con1putational methods for solving transcendental equations, ordinary differential equations, integrati.on, ~d linear algebra; introduction to finite-difference, approx1mat1ons and least-squares curve fits. Prerequisites: MA!H-388 Adv~ced Calculus I, MATH-387 Differential Equations, Corequ1stte: ENGR-221 FORTRAN Programming. 171e annual bea,n co,nperirion challenges srudenrs to apply knowledge gauzed in sophonw re engineering courses. ENGR-274 Mechanics I - Statics & Intro to Strength--A 5 hours Analysis of forces in isolated and connected _rigi~ body ~ystems, resultants, equilibrium, centroids, moment ~f 1nert1~, frtcuo~: introduction to response of deformable bocl1e to axial. bending, and torsional loads. Design Project. Prerequisite:. ENGR-171 Computer Aided Design, PHYS-271 General Physics I, and MATH-282 Analytical Geometry and Calculus II . (Fee: $5) ENGR-275 Mechanics Il - Dynamics--W ? hours Kinematic and kinetic analysis of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; Newton's laws, work, energy, impul~e, momen– tum and acceleration· conservative and non-conservative systems; ~ ' . .. vibration of single-degree-of-freedom systems. Design ProJect. Prerequisite: ENGR-274 Mechanics I. (Fee: $5) ENGR-276 Mechanics ill - Strengt~ ofMaterials--Sp . 4 hours Theoretical and experimental 3:11alysis of deform~ble bodies to applied Joads: normal ~d shearrn~ stress and st.rain, ener~, torsion. flexure, deflection, combrned stress, failure theories, and columns. Three lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Design Project. Prerequisite: ENGR-274 Mechanics I. (Fee: $20) ENGR-280 "C" Programming--S . . 3 hours Introduction to the "C" programmrng languag~; algorithms,. data 11 structures, unique capabilities, application to science and engrneer– ing problems. ENGR-301 Circuits Il--A 4 hours Analysis of RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady state, mutual induc– tance, operational amplifiers, Fourier and Laplace Tr3?sfo~s. transfer function, and two-port networks. Computer SIJ?Ulat1ons and bread-board circuits are constructed and evaluated rn the laboratory. Design project. T~ree lectures and o~e 2:hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-201 C1rcu1ts I. (Fee: $30) ; I I ENGR-310 Electronics and Instrumentation--A 4 .h~urs Fundamentals of harmonic signals. voltmeters, analog and digital oscilloscopes, integrated ci rcl;lit~, operat~onal amplifi.ers, character- 1 istics of amplifiers, cbaracter1sucs of acuve and l?~ss1ye fil~ers: PC- based data acquisition, and transducers and condiuonrng c1rcu1ts to measure acceleration, velocity, displacement, temperature, and strain. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: E GR-275 Mechanics II-Dynamics and ENGR-201 Circuits r. (Fee: $30) ENGR-311 Electronics 1--W 5 hours Introduction to semiconductor electronics: diodes, bipolar and unipolar transistors. Five lectures per week. Prer~quisite: ENGR- 301 Circuits II. Corequisite: ENGR-321 Electrorucs Laboratory I. r ENGR-312 Electronics Il--Sp . . 4 h~urs Integration of physics of solid-state el~ctroruc d~v1ces and basic electronic circuits including low-level signal amplifiers, power supplies, operational amplifier cir~uits, control circ~i~s, optoelec- tronics, switching devices and oscillators. Prerequ1s1tes : ENGR- 311 Electronics I. Corequisite: ENGR-322 Elecrrorucs Laboratory II. ENGR-316 Microprocessors--A 4 hours Microprocessor characteristics, assembly language, ~emory Ii layouts, peripheral devices, micr<?COJ?puter structures, interface design. control and data commun1cauons. Three .hours of lec~r~ and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Design proJect. Prerequ1s1te: ENGR-191 Digital Logic Design. (Fee: $30) ENGR-318 Linear Systems--W . 5 hours ~ Introduction to linear time-invariant analysis of contmuous and 1~ discrete time systems, Fourier, Laplace, and Z transforms,. an~ state variable representations. Prerequisite: ENGR-301 Circwts II . ENGR-320 Probability and Random Processes for Engineer s 5 hours ~ Sample points. sample spaces, probabi.lity,. rand?m variables, random vectors, statistical averages, estunatton, lrnear transforma- tions, spectral analysis and Gaussian proces~es. M~y be used to meet the mathematics requirement for electncal engrneers. Prerequisite: MATH-283 Calculus III .
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