1994-1995 Academic Catalog
~ E, "GR-321 Electronic Laborator} 1--W 1 hour Applications of the Electronics I cour e in olid-state electronic de\ ices, emphasis on bread-boarding, testing, ana]y5is, synthesis, and reporting. Design project. Corequisite: ENGR-311 Electron– ics I . (Fee: $30) E. GR-322 Electronics Laboratory 11--Sp 2 hours Laboratory for the Electronics II cour e; design, bread-board, test, and analyze linear electronic circuits using bipolar transistors, field-effect transistors, and operational amplifiers: low-level signal amplifiers. transistor biasing, equivalent circuits, electronic regulated and unregulated DC power supplies, special solid-state devices, frequency response, decibels , cascaded amplifiers, feedback amplifier , UJTs. and control circuits. Design project. ; ~~ Corequi site : ENGR-312 Electronics 11 . (Fee: $30) ~ E~GR-333 Electromagnetics--A 5 hours fi Development of vector calculus. Maxwell 's equat ions, propaga- uon of uniform plane waves, transmi ssion lines. the Smith Chart , • 1. t wave guides, Laplace' and Poisson's equations: introduction co I rtt antennas. Four lectures per week with alternating 2-hour labora– tory and recitation periods. Prerequisite: MATH-387. f?ifferential ) Equations, MATH-388 Advanced Calculus I . Corequ1s1te: ENGR- 1 301 Circuits IL (Fee : $15) E. GR-337 Principles of Automatic Control--A 4 hours Theoretical and experimental analysis of classical feedback OiOOtl control systems: modeling, transfer function formulation; frequency response. root locus, Bode plots, and servomechanisms. Three · lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Design project. "''"'..:, Prerequisite: E GR-201 Circuits I . (Fee: $20) E GR-341 Properties of Engineering Material --A 4 hour Introduction to the properties of metallic, ceramic, polymer, and composne materials; plastic deformation, trengthening fracture, fatigue, corrosion, diffusion, equilibrium and non-equilibrium H~n processes, phase diagrams, and electrical and magnetic propertie ; application to materials election. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-276 Strength of Materials. (Fee: $20) i GR-342 Principles of Physical Metallurgy 3 hour Physical and mechanical properties of metals and alloys; crystal structure, phase equilibria, defects and strengthening mechani ms, ~etl and kineucs of reacuons. Prerequisite: ENGR-341 Properties and ~e; R·. Processing of Materials. , • ~GR-343 Materials Processing and Manufacturing 3 hours )hoon Contemporary materials processing: molding. ca ting , forming, rnachining and hot and cold working; fundamental s of manufactur– ing, inspection techniques and quality assurance. Prerequi ite: GR-341 Properties of Engineering Materials. GR-351 Thermodynamics 1--A 4 hour Introduction to engineering thermodynamics; properties of pure ~ubstances, work, heat, first and sec.and laws of thermodyna1nics, energy and entropy. Prerequisites CI1 M 158 Chem1~try for ·ngineers and PHYS-273 General Phys ics III . GR-352 ' fhermodvnamics 11--W 4 hour 1 ontinuation of E dR-351 with specific application to power. lief rigeration cycles, and co1nhu~tion processes. Prerequisite J .. NGR-351 ·1 hcr1nodyna1nic I and MA'J'H-388 Advanced Cale . I. l .N R-360 •luid l ecbanics--W 5 hours 13a ic concepts and funda1nentals of ubsoni(; lluid flov.'s, introduction to bounda1 y la) erll and tran it ion to curhu lcncc. [>rerequi ite : ~1A'rJ r-388 Advanced alculus I, MArr 1 l -387 Differential Equations. l~NGR-211 l·OR'I RAN. :N •R-365 Ilcat 'frausfcr--Sp 4 l1ours luuodu tion to conductton, con, cction , and I a<liation heat 1ran fe, ; anal} ucal and con1putational techniques. Design project. J>rerequ1 ne : I ' r~ .L.50 u111c1 ical f.-1cthods, I· 1 GR-351 1 henrnodyna1nic I. N , ti 360 · lui<l ~cchan1cs. l!. 1 .RP 71 h1t•1nutics and I>, nau1ics of 1at·hines -Sp 4 hours Jnuodu tion to th· 1e11l:al ,tnd e pe, 1n1cnt,tl analy is and ) n~hc i of force and 111011011 1n n1echan1 111 and pluruu link, ge ; , cln It) and a elera11 n, a1n , gear , gear 11a1n . lntroducuon h} the dt:s1 •n pr e , fi nnal ricpon ; de ign proJe t • P, e1 equi ue : I G 27 l\1cchan1c ll . Engineering 101 Electrical engineering students u'le laboratories featuring ~tate-oj:rJu·-art equip111ent ENGR-381 l\1echanical Engineering Laboratory 1--W 3 hour Measuren1ent of mechanical phenon1ena uch as accelerauon. . force, pre ure. te1nperacure, Oui<l no~. '_l C?Sll), and ~eat tran · ter using Lran duccr~ and PC-ba ed data acqu1s1t1on Exper1n1ent. using the 'wtnd tunnel, engine ce. t cell. n1echan1c~ laborator}. and heat tran fer laborator) are conducted during t\\ o.3 hour laborato ries per week. Students design ~on1e of the exper1n1ent, Prercqu1 si te : ENGR-250 urner1cal rvtethod and E GR 310 Electro1~1c · and Instrun1entation. Corequ1 ite, E GR-352 Thern1od)' na1n1c'I II , E GR-360 Fluid Jechan1c . (Fee: $30) ENGR-382 l\1echanical Engineering l .,aboratory II P 3 ho11r'1 Continuation of ENGR-381 . T\1, o 3 hour laboracor1c~ per ,,eek Prercquisue: cNGR-381 1\1ech.1n1cal _[ngineer1ng l.ahoracor} I Corequ1sites: ENGR 365 1le,lt Tra1Pdcr, F GR 371 la h111e K1nen1aucs . (Fee: $30) E GR-390 Engit1eering Economy 3 hours f.:.cononiic decision n1ak.1ng in engineering: 1ndu,tr1al n1an,tge1ucnt, cost, taxes, financ.1ng. ech1L\, Lon1p,1r1ng altcrn,tu\ e,, repla\.etncnt and unccrta1nt} E ·c; R-399 Projel't I>esign . . . 1-3 hours An ele~tt, e cnurse tor ,tudcnts to get ,1L· .1dc1~11L crcdll tLll'. extrac.urrn.:ular design ,., ork 1 elated to their 11Hn1,u \ 01 llc:s1gn con 1 pct1tion, Pn.:rcqu1s1tc : Pc1n11,,1l~ll c!f the 1nstrt1Lll r. . i.: GR-410 \ IISIC.' 11.ird,,are I>e,l'r1ptt~>n ~ anguag_t.> . 4 hou1s l)esign, testing .and, e.riticatio1 1 1 ot. L t>111l.)1nat1llltal l~lg.1. c 1_r 1 uu, .t id finite-state rnachtnt•s using the \ I ISi I l.1rd\, n1e l cs r1pt! n l_anguttgc (\ ' 1 l l)1 ..); ernphasis plal t•d llll the h ,p-do" n l~t' :-i tgn • nletho<.lolopv bt:ginning "ith a pt11 el h.t:ha, 101.11 ~c~" 11pt1_ n1 ,,lnl: h is decon1pn,e<l intn a stt ur tural dt"s npth) ll u 1ng hit I lug1 conipuncnt, fluee le turcs :~nd lHte .1 hllllr lah ll llllll, )er ~\eek Pre1equisitc: ' JI{ 191 D1g1tul I ,)g tl l)e ign and t t,R---1 l•O l{'J'R;\ Of l ' rl~ - no.. " 1'1 1 fdlllllllll g, .< I·cL.. l ) . 1~. (. ({-41 I F initt• l)if fert'nrr 1 l l'thod"i I!• l1..n~111r ran ~ - hou1 Finite-Jilt It'll e appt<•x i111au n1 for th:·11, ,n1, es d ll l ddtertnllal equation ; l' ,. 1 i tc llC), stab1ht , ,ln<l u1.1nl:dllOn c1 ror, 1ntroduc uon 10 grid gener·uion, appl i uuon of finue differ n ·e 1neth) l . l\) cngint:ering p1 o bh.·n1 s Prc1equ1s1h: I R .. 0 u1ne11cal f\ lethods 111 f ng1nce11ng I 1 I{ 36 I teat l I an t~1
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