1994-1995 Academic Catalog
102 Engineering Engineering students apply skills learned in co,npurer aided design taken the freslunan _)ear rhroughour their four-year curriculunz. ENGR-412 CMOS VLSI Design 4 hours Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI design; circuit analysis, modeling, mask layout, simulation, and design verificat ion; theoretical concepts and CAD tools used together for circuit analysi . VHDL is used to verify and document designs. Three lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: ENGR-191 Digit.al Logic Design, ENGR-301 Circuits II , ENGR-312 Electronics II , and ENGR-410 VHSJC Hardware Description Language. (Fee: $15) ENGR-421 Electrical Design--A 4 hours Design of electronic instruments with emphasis on analog and digital integrated circuits; students design and build prototype electronic devices for systems integration in ENGR-422 . Prerequi– sites: ENGR-312 Electronics II , and ENGR-316 Microprocessor . ENGR-422 Electrical Design Laboratory--W 3 hours Design laboratory for the electrical design course: de ign, build , and analyze circuits bu:lt with analog and digital integrated circuits; final report required Prerequisite: ENGR-421 Electrical Design . (Fee: $30) ENGR-425 Mechanical Design-A 3 hours Design of mechanical components to achieve a stated objective; load, deformation. and kinematic analysis; specify system design and prepare cost analysis. A commercial computer-based design package is used. Prerequisites: ENGR-341 Properties of Engi– neering Materials , ENGR-365 Heat Transfer, ENGR-371 Kinemat– ics and Dynamics of Machines. and ENGR-382 Mecharucal Engineering Laboratory II . ENGR-427 Digital Signal Processing 3 hours Introduction to digital signal processing, review of continuous time-linear systems. application of Fourier series, spectral analysis, sampling theory, sampled spectrums, theory of discrete-time systems, realization of discrete time systems, frequency response of discrete time systems, design of FIR and IIR filters, and properties of the Fast Fourier Transform. Design project. Prerequisites: ENGR-318 Linear Systems and ENGR-221 FORTRAN or ENGR- 280 "C" Programming. ENGR-431 Digital Systems Design 4 hour Complex microprocessor architecture, machine language programming, software development , memory interface, input/ output interface, and interrupts, emphasis on microprocessor applications. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite : ENGR-441 Microprocessors. (Fee : $30) ENGR-432 Communications Theory--W 4 hou Introduction to communication theory, modulation techniques, detection techniques, noise, and computer communications. Three lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Design project. Prerequisites: ENGR-301 Circuits II , and ENGR-318 Linear Systems. (Fee: $20) ENGR-435 Energy Conversion and Power Distribution 3 hour~ Principles of energy conversion and power distribution, three– phase circuits, power system analysis, load flow, fault currents, an stability~ principles of direct current and alternating current machines. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: ENGR- 333 Electromagnetics. (Fee: $10) ENGR-441 Mechanics of Materials 3 hours Microscopic and macroscopic behavior of materials during deformation and failure; plastici ty, fatigue, hardening mechanisms, introduction to fracture mechanics. Prerequisites: ENGR-341 Properties of Engineering Materials and ENGR-342 Principles of Phys ical Metallurgy. ENGR-445 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis 3 hours Problem formulation using the calculus of variations and matrix theory, Rayleigh-Ritz method and methods of weighted residuals, potential operators, essentjal derivatives; development of the FEM and the steps to be folJowed, assembly of elements, imposition of boundary conditions, interpretation of results; experience using a commercial code. Prerequisites: ENGR-221 FORTRAN or ENGR-280 ''C" Programming, ENGR-276 Mechanics III Strength of Materials, ENGR-250 Numerical Methods, ENGR-360 Fluid Mechanics, and ENGR-365 Heat Transfer. (Fee: $25) ENGR-451 Propulsion 3 hours • Principles of thru t production and compressible flow; thermody– namics of jet propulsion systems. Prerequisites: ENGR-352 Thermodynamics II, ENGR-360 Fluid Mechanics. ENGR-461 Senior Design 1--W 5 hours A.capstone design project for engineer . Each student accepts a des1gn problem or propo es a design project to solve a particular problem and seeks sponsorship from an engineering faculty and (optionally). a third party interested in the solution of the problem; arranged with the faculty sponsor. Prerequisites for mechanical engineering students: ENGR-425 Mechanical Design and seruor sta~s in .mechanical engineering. Prerequisite for electrical eng1neermg students: ENGR-421 Electrical Design and senior status engineering. (Fee : $30) ENGR-462 Senior Design 11--Sp 5 hours A c< ?ntinuati.on of ENGR-461 emphasizing prototyping, trouble– shootmg, design modifications, project final ization, reporting and oral presentation . Prerequisite : ENGR-461 Seruor Design I. (Fee: $30) ENGR-465 Compressible Fluid Flow 4 hours Con:ipress.ible flow of gases in engineering systems, isentropic fl?w ill var1~b!e area passages, shock and expansion waves, flow with wall fr1ct1on and heat transfer . Prerequisites: ENGR-250 Numer_icaI Methods in Engineering , ENGR-350 Thermo– dynam1cs I, and ENGR-360 Fluid Mechanics. ENGR-471 Electrical Machines--A 4 hours Introduction to the principles of analysis and characteristics of AC and DC rotating machines and electro-mechanical devices; transformers, single- and three-phase motors and generators. Three lecture~an~ one 2-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: ENGR-201 C1rcu1ts I, ENGR-301 Circuits II or ENGR-310 Electronics and Instrumentation . (Fee: $20) ENGR-476 Advanced Strength ofMaterials 3 hours A~alysis of beams with non-symmetrical sections, non-circular torsion, beams on elastic foundations failure theories Mohr ' s circle for stress and strain, load-detle~tion analysis by energy methods . Prerequisites: ENGR-276 Strength of Materials.
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