1994-1995 Academic Catalog

E1 GR-480 Professional Ethics--Sp 4 hours Professional conduct, engineer-client relation , product liability, legal problems. and the Ethics Code establi hed by the Engineering Profession studied from a Chri tian perspective ; student explore problems encountered in the application of engineering practice within diver e cultures of the real world . E GR-485 Discrete Vibrations 3 hours ·· Free and forced vibrations of mechanical systems having lumped ~ It::-e mass and elasticity, single and multiple degree-of-freedom system , 6 1.~.-- matrix formulation, eigenvalue and eigenvectors, Laplace '-"ltt Transform, dissipative systems; introduction to random and non– linear vibrations; engineering application . Prerequisites: ENGR- 275 Mechanics II Dynamics and MATH-387 Differential Equa- tt tions. (Fee: $20) .:1. i. E GR-488 Random Vibration and Signature Analysis 3 hour Introduction to the vibration of discrete systems to random • D~R· excitation~ harmonic vibration, transient response, convolution integral, Laplace and Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier 3b 11 Transform and the Fast Fourier Transform ; random variables, ~~ coherence, correlation, auto- and cro s-correlation, power spectral ~ density, transfer function , and modal analysis. Prerequisites: GR.~ ENGR-310 Electronics and Instrumentation, ENGR-485 Discrete Vibrations. (Fee: $30) E GR-491 Electrical Engineering Internship 1-4 hours 3t~ An opportunity in which an electrical engineering student works ::i Iran closely with an indu trial advisor employed at an area firm . or . Specific attention is given to solving a particular problem in that 'weffi industry or firm by applying electrical engineering design method– t 1.l~ . • s Ill SUeu:i.l .J.9Jfhl lm ~lrJmX}· R·])1 : OOUll al r.ttp;i! ~ ullpr~ ,e ~i – .haniW 200 !lDl icl !(i.1(1 'h :in • ology. A faculty advisor assists in supervision of and approval of .. Engineering 103 the internship, including as essment of the number of credit hours. A final report (minimum 1000 word ) de cribing briefly the experience -- including the problem and solution - i required. Three credit hour of engineering elective can be ati fied b) three or four hours of internship. Prerequi ice: Permi ion of faculty advisor. E GR-492 Mechanical Engineering Inter nship 1-4 hours An opportunity in which a mechanical engineering tudent work closely with an industrial advisor employed at an area firm. Specific attention is given to olving a particular problem in that indu try or firm by applying mechanical engineering de ign methodology. A faculty advi or a si ts in super, i ion of and approval of the internship. including a e ment of the number of credit hour . A final report (nlinimum 1000 words) de cribing briefly the experience -- including the problem and olution -- i required. Three credit hours of engineering elective can be saci fied by three or four hour of intern hip. Prerequi ice: Pennis ion of faculty ad, i or. ENGR-495 Senior Seminar--Sp 1 hour Required weekly meeting of enior engineering 1najor to addre transition co the profes ional work environment~ pecial topic . current is ue , and socio-technical problem will be pre ented and analyzed. Prerequi site : Senior scatu in engineering. ENGR-499 Independent Study in Engineering 1-4 hour Opportunity to perform independent re earch or tudy 1n tl1e variou branche of engineering and allied tield& of application . A formal propo al for study must be appro, ed b) the faculc) ad\. i or before registering for thi course. Prerequi ice : a major in engineering, permi ion of advi or. and junior ·caru or abo,e. J / J brul elertnc , elurle co111pe1111011 pon ored b\ dan 11/e i'Cls a111011g n, eh e unn eiHfle 111 'orth A11urr1ca and 1he onh Oluo r hool eleci e, 10 con,p~e 111 / ,e n I fir 1 111 the o11u11111er halle11ge , e,11 111 th IJepa,ttne,u of Ene, > ant a11u11 orpo,a1io11 edan 11/e • efec1t1 pou ere J 1111r,1 place t e< 0 11 ' " f.)I 11 111 th June 199 co111pe1111011